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CCL 10.07.25 Canadian Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada |
From: chemistry-request at To: chemistry-request at Date: Tue Mar 16 14:01:56 2010 Subject: 10.07.25 Canadian Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada Dear Colleagues, Registration and abstract submission are now open for the 17th Canadian Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry (CSTC) to be held in Edmonton, Alberta from July 25 to 30, 2010. Held every three years, the CSTC is an international meeting that brings together theoretical chemists from across Canada and around the world. Early bird registration is available until May 1, 2010 and abstract submission is available until June 30, 2010. See the conference website ( for further details. Beginning with an opening reception on Sunday evening (July 25), the symposium consists of 40 min invited talks given Monday through Friday. Two poster sessions for contributed abstracts and a banquet held on Thursday evening complete the format. The current lists of confirmed invited speakers and session chairs are available below. The symposium is intended to cover the full scope of theoretical chemistry, including electronic structure methods, chemical dynamics, and statistical mechanics, with a particular focus on recent theoretical and methodological advances. Information regarding the symposium including the program, a list of invited speakers, registration, abstract submission, accommodation, travel, and the conference history, is posted on the conference website ( If you have any questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact any member of the organizing committee. We look forward to seeing you in Edmonton this summer! Sincerely, The organizing committee of the 17th Canadian Theoretical Chemistry Conference: Alex Brown (Department of Chemistry, University of Alberta), alex.brown[a] Mariusz Klobukowski (Department of Chemistry, University of Alberta), mariusz.klobukowski[a] Pierre-Nicholas Roy (Department of Chemistry, University of Waterloo), pnroy[a] Mark Thachuk (Department of Chemistry, University of British Columbia), thachuk[a] Conference: 17th Canadian Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry Dates: July 25-30, 2010 Venue: The conference will be held at the Lister Hall Conference Center, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada List of Confirmed Invited speakers: Wesley Allen, University of Georgia Alan Aspuru-Guzik, Harvard University Russell Boyd, Dalhousie University Regina de Vivie-Riedle, University of Munich Aaron Dinner, University of Chicago Michel Dupuis Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Martin Field, Institut de Biologie Structurale - Jean-Pierre Ebel Shekhar Garde, Renesselaer Polytechnic University Gabriel Hanna, University of Alberta John Herbert, Ohio State University Kimihiko Hirao, RIKEN Christiane Koch, Freie University, Berlin Roman Krems, University of British Columbia Oliver Kuhn, Universitat Rostock Guillaume Lamoureux, Concordia University Hans-Dieter Meyer, Universitat Heidelberg Hirotoshi Mori, Ochanomizu University Nick Mosey, Queen's University Hiroshi Nakatsuji, Quantum Chemistry Research Institute Irina Paci, University of Victoria Jason Pearson, University of Prince Edward Island Piotr Piecuch, Michigan State University Stuart Rothstein, Brock University George Schatz, Northwestern University Klaus Schulten, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Peter Schwerdtfeger, Massey University Jack Simons, University of Utah Viktor Staroverov, University of Western Ontario James Stewart, MOPAC Walter Thiel, Max-Planck-Institut fur Kohlenforschung Peter Tieleman, University of Calgary Noham Weinberg, University of the Fraser Valley Hans-Joachim Werner, Universitat Stuttgart Tom Woo, University of Ottawa Koichi Yamashita, University of Tokyo List of Confirmed Session Chairs: Tucker Carrington, Queen's University Rene Fournier, York University Peter Kusalik, University of Calgary Marcel Nooijen, University of Waterloo Gilles Peslherbe, Concordia University Ray Poirier, Memorial University Arvi Rauk, University of Calgary Dennis Salahub, University of Calgary Ajit Thakkar, University of New Brunswick Alex Wang, University of British Columbia Tom Ziegler, University of CalgaryNOTE THAT E-MAIL ADDRESSES HAVE BEEN MODIFIED!!! All @ signs were changed to : to fight spam. Before you send e-mail, you need to change : to @ For example: change joe : to Please let colleagues know about conference listingts at Computational Chemistry List Conference Page at Please help: If you find this conference list useful but you noticed some conference missing, please consider including it here by using the Conference Submission Page. It is free but your support is welcome. You will help others!!! |
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