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Up Directory CCL 10.04.29 Biological Interfaces: A Thomas Young Centre Workshop
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Wed Mar 17 05:21:35 2010
Subject: 10.04.29 Biological Interfaces: A Thomas Young Centre Workshop
The workshop will be held on April 29th & 30th, 2010 at the Randall Institute of King's College
London.  This two day meeting brings together computer modellers and experimentalists to discuss
problems at the biological interface, and their relevance to understanding important biological
systems and bio-inspired materials.  Many aspects of such work will b discussed, including theory, 
modelling tools, numerical methods and applications.  We are fostering participation from both the
public and commercial health sectors.  The speakers at the workshop will include Ivet Bahar, 
Paolo Carloni, David Chandler, Philip Maini, Siewert Marrink, Jose Munoz, Peter Rein ten Wolde, 
Klaus Schulten, Mark Sansom, Gregory Voth and Bojan Zagrovic.

For further information, including registration details please visit the
following website:

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Modified: Wed Mar 17 09:21:35 2010 GMT
Page accessed 5528 times since Wed Mar 17 09:20:59 2010 GMT

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