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Up Directory CCL 10.05.24 Molecular Quantum Mechanics 2010: Berkeley, California, May 24-29
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Thu Apr 8 17:01:11 2010
Subject: 10.05.24 Molecular Quantum Mechanics 2010: Berkeley, California, May 24-29
The next entry in the highly successful series of "Molecular Quantum Mechanics" conferences will
held May 24-29, 2010 at the University of California at Berkeley.   Previous meetings have honored
the careers of John Pople (1989, Georgia), Frank Boys and Isaiah Shavitt (1995, Cambridge), Ernest
Davidson (2001, Seattle), Nicholas Handy (2004, Cambridge), and Peter Pulay (2007, Budapest).  

This event will honor Prof. Fritz Schaefer and his numerous contributions to the field of theoretical
chemistry and will be entitled:

"Molecular Quantum Mechanics: From Methylene to DNA and Beyond"

More than 60 leaders in the field of theoretical chemistry have accepted invitations to speak at this
event.  In addition, the proceedings from the meeting will be published as part of a special issue 
of Molecular Physics.  The conference website has additional information about registration, 
abstract submission, the meeting schedule, accommodations, and more.  We anticipate a large
turnout for the conference, and we therefore encourage you to register soon.

We look forward to seeing you in Berkeley in May!


The MQM 2010 Organizers – Rod Bartlett, Martin Head-Gordon, and David Sherrill, Daniel Crawford
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Modified: Thu Apr 8 21:01:11 2010 GMT
Page accessed 6288 times since Thu Apr 8 21:00:30 2010 GMT

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