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Up Directory CCL 10.11.28 Molecular modelling for the life and materials sciences, Melbourne, Australia, 2010
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Mon Apr 12 02:40:42 2010
Subject: 10.11.28 Molecular modelling for the life and materials sciences, Melbourne, Australia, 2010
The next Australian Molecular Modelling conference (MM2010) will be held 
in Melbourne, Australia from November 28 to December 1, 2010. The meeting 
will focus on the latest developments in molecular modelling in both the 
life sciences and materials sciences, particularly in the areas of drug 
development, nanotechnology, biophysical modelling and methods and 
algorithms. This meeting is organized by the Association of Molecular 
Modellers of Australasia (AMMA,, the Asia/Pacific 
Chapter of the Molecular Graphics and Modelling Society (MGMS). 
The conference will be held at the Monash Institute of Pharmaceutical 
Sciences (MIPS), located in the Parkville campus of Monash University, 
3km north of the Melbourne City centre.  The conference will begin in the 
afternoon of Sunday November 28 with two presentations (a Plenary Lecture 
and an Invited Talk), a Welcome Mixer, and the inaugural presentation of 
the AMMA medal. During the conference, there will be a mix of Plenary 
Lectures, Invited Talks, Contributed Oral Presentations, a Poster Session,
and a Conference Dinner. A special session, shared with the 'Molecular 
Pharmacology of GPCRs' conference 
( will be held on 
Wednesday, Dec 1st, in the afternoon (after closing of MM2010). MM2010 
registrants are welcome to attend this bonus session.

Please contact the conference co-chair Dr Elizabeth Yuriev for any further
information (elizabeth.yuriev!=!
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Modified: Mon Apr 12 06:40:43 2010 GMT
Page accessed 5966 times since Mon Apr 12 06:32:34 2010 GMT

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