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Up Directory CCL 11.09.05 14 Asian Chemical Congress, September 5-8, 2011, Bangkok, Thailand
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Thu May 13 08:55:26 2010
Subject: 11.09.05 14 Asian Chemical Congress, September 5-8, 2011, Bangkok, Thailand
The Asian Chemical Congress (ACC) is held at two yearly intervals as a 
tradition hosted by the members of the Federation of Asian Chemical 
Societies (FACS) which comprises of 28 chemical societies of 
countries and territories in the Asia Pacific whose membership consists 
of individual qualified chemists. 

Within this year, the congress is celebrating the "International Year of 
Chemistry" announced by International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry 
(IUPAC) and United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural 
Organization (UNESCO) aiming to place importance on and promote the 
chemical scientific works which make the 14th ACC 2011 under the theme, 
"Contemporary Chemistry for Sustainability and Economic Sufficiency" the 
largest international chemical congress in region.

14ACC will discuss the latest in chemical research, development and 
education, aiming to make progress in sharing and learning scientific 
knowledge and improving the quality of life and environment. Nobel and 
eminent scientists from all over the world are invited to present plenary 
and keynote lectures, e.g., Professor Dr. Her Royal Highness Princess 
Chulabhorn Mahidol, Yuan Tseh Lee (The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1986), 
Ada E. Yonath (The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2009), etc. The scientific 
works from Instructors, Researchers, Educators and Students in chemical 
and related fields are as well presented. 

14ACC gives a great opportunity to researchers and academicians from 
graduate students to seniors to present, share and exchange their works 
and experiences. It is also a good chance for chemists from both public 
and private sector to gain proficiency from International leading 
scientists, to share new ideas and innovation, and to meet new exhibitors. 
These, will encourage the use of science and technology to push forward 
economy and quality of life to its permanent stability.

The Chemical Society of Thailand (C.S.T.) truly believes that besides the 
valuable scientific knowledge, all participants’ trip to Thailand, The 
Land of Smile, will be an impressive and memorable one. For more information, 
plese visit 14ACC website:
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Modified: Thu May 13 12:55:26 2010 GMT
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