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Up Directory CCL 10.09.12 Celebrating Computational Biology: A Tribute to Frank Blaney
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Tue Jun 8 15:50:05 2010
Subject: 10.09.12 Celebrating Computational Biology: A Tribute to Frank Blaney
This meeting will provide a broad overview of modern research in computational biology, 
with a focus on problems that are relevant to drug discovery. We aim to bring together 
researchers from around the world in an informal and relaxed atmosphere resembling 
that experienced at Gordon Research Conferences.

The schedule is designed to allow ample time for participants to interact socially and scientifically. 
All participants should plan to arrive no later than Sunday, September 12, 2010. The registration 
costs will include attendance at the reception and banquet, College accommodation (including 
all meals during the days of the meeting) and refreshments during the morning breaks.

For more details, see
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Modified: Tue Jun 8 19:50:06 2010 GMT
Page accessed 5897 times since Tue Jun 8 19:47:47 2010 GMT

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