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Up Directory CCL 11.03.27 Cheminformatics-CombiChem Symposium, 241 ACS Meeting, Anaheim, CA, 2011
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Mon Sep 13 15:05:53 2010
Subject: 11.03.27 Cheminformatics-CombiChem Symposium, 241 ACS Meeting, Anaheim, CA, 2011
Call for Papers: 

Integration of Combinatorial Chemistry with Cheminformatics:
Current trends and future directions in drug discovery and material science

241th ACS National Meeting
Anaheim, CA, March 27-31, 2011
CINF Division

Dear Colleagues,
Combinatorial and high throughput techniques have become widely used in
chemistry, materials science, and drug discovery. By their nature,
these techniques involve generation, storage and analysis of massive 
datasets. Therefore, combinatorial techniques have been stimulating the
development of cheminformatic tools and approaches to handle and process
such datasets. The symposium will focus on the current trends and future
directions in this area of cheminformatics and the related areas of 
combinatorial chemistry.

In particular, the organizers would like to:
1) discuss new developments in combichem/cheminformatics in bioresearch,
2) talk about challenges in emerging non-bio combinatorial chemistry. 
The idea is to provide a venue and exchange ideas, with the goal not only 
to improve bio-research but also to inspire and boost the development
of cheminformatics for combinatorial materials discovery.

We invite you to submit contributions to this symposium that will cover
a wide range of chemical information and computational methods
used to address facing the needs of combinatorial science
in drugs and material discovery. Topics include, but are not limited to:

- Combinatorial library design
- Novel approaches in experimental (HT setups, screening in vivo)
  and computational screening 
- Data collection and storage
- Visualization and data analysis

Please use the new Program and Abstract Creation System (PACS)
for submitting your abstract (
You will need to login to PACS with your ACS portal username and password.
You will find our symposium under the program of CINF division.
PACS will be accepting abstracts until October 18, 2010 11:00 PM CT.


Jose Medina-Franco
Email: jmedina(at)
Ph: (772) 345 4685 / Fax: (772) 345 3649

Maciej Haranczyk
Email: mharanczyk(at) 
Ph: (510) 486 7749 / Fax: (510) 486 5812
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Modified: Mon Sep 13 19:05:53 2010 GMT
Page accessed 6831 times since Mon Sep 13 18:54:58 2010 GMT

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