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Up Directory CCL 11.06.20 CCG - North American User Group Meeting 2011, Montreal, Canada
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Tue Oct 26 20:09:30 2010
Subject: 11.06.20 CCG - North American User Group Meeting 2011, Montreal, Canada
CCG - North American User Group Meeting 2011
Chemical Computing Group
June 20-23, 2011
Montreal, Canada

CHEMICAL COMPUTING GROUP is pleased to announce that the next year's North 
American User Group Meeting will take place in Montreal, Canada on 
June 20-23, 2011. The venue selected for this event was Le Saint Sulpice 
Hotel located in the heart of old Montreal.   

The meeting will consist of 2 days of training sessions and 2 days of 
scientific presentations from various guest speakers. Training sessions 
will be scheduled on June 20-21 followed by scientific presentations and 
posters on June 22-23.  More details will be announced in the next few 

Please visit for future updates.

We look forward to welcoming you at this event in Montreal,
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Modified: Wed Oct 27 00:09:30 2010 GMT
Page accessed 6151 times since Wed Oct 27 00:09:30 2010 GMT

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