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Up Directory CCL 11.05.05 CECAM workshop on Dynamics & thermodynamics of biomolecular recognition; Paris, France
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Fri Jan 21 09:26:10 2011
Subject: 11.05.05 CECAM workshop on Dynamics & thermodynamics of biomolecular recognition; Paris, France
CECAM workshop 
Dynamics & thermodynamics of biomolecular recognition
May 5-7, 2011, Palaiseau (just outside of Paris), France

For details, see the CECAM web site:

We are accepting applications for participation and
for a limited number of contributed talks. Please
send email to the organizers, including a CV, list
of publications, and an abstract if you are proposing
a contributed talk.

Confirmed speakers: 
Gerard Hummer, NIH; Charles Brooks, U Michigan
David Case, U New Jersey; Andy McCammon, UCSD
Jay Ponder, Washington University;
Huan-Xiang Zhou, U Florida; David Mobley, U New Orleans
Johan Aqvist, Uppsala; Georgios Archontis, University of Cyprus;
Stefan Boresch, University of Vienna; Chris Chipot, CNRS;
Annick Dejaegere, U. Strasbourg;  Jonathan Essex, U Southampton;
Holger Gohlke, U Frankfurt; Richard Henchman, U. of Manchester;
Lennart Nilsson, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm;
Thomas Simonson (Organizer), CNRS, Ecole Polytechnique;
Wilfred van Gunsteren, ETH Zurich; Rebecca Wade, Heidelberg
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Modified: Fri Jan 21 14:26:10 2011 GMT
Page accessed 5609 times since Fri Jan 21 14:25:03 2011 GMT

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