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Up Directory CCL 11.07.25 Excited states and non-adiabatic processes in complex systems, Girona, Spain.
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Wed Feb 23 05:59:21 2011
Subject: 11.07.25 Excited states and non-adiabatic processes in complex systems, Girona, Spain.
Excited states and non-adiabatic processes in complex systems. 
Theoretical approaches. 
July 25th-27th 2011
Sant Feliu de Guixols (Girona, Spain). 

This meeting is a satellite of the WATOC 2011 (Santiago de Compostela,
Spain, 17th - 22nd July), aimed at providing a specialized forum on 
excited states and non-adiabatic processes. We would like to consider 
these subjects in their broadest sense, including methodological 
developments and their applications from molecular to large systems. 
Specific topics include:

Conical intersections
Excited state potential energy surfaces and dynamics
Methodological developments
Surfaces and photocatalysis
Charge and energy transfer
Biological and large systems

In this way, we focus the more general scope of the Ninth Triennial 
Congress of the WATOC (World Association of Theoretical and Computational
Chemists) and complement it with this satellite that takes place just
after the WATOC, in Sant Feliu de Guixols (Girona, Spain).

The scientific program will consist of 15 invited talks, around 20 
contributed lectures and a poster session.

More information is available at:

We hope to see you in San Feliu.

Prof. Lluis Blancafort and Dr. Carles Curutchet (University of Girona)
Prof. Mar Reguero (Rovira i Virgili University)
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