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Up Directory CCL 11.07.15 SimOC 2011 (Simulations in Organic Chemistry), Vigo, Spain
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Tue Mar 15 13:59:07 2011
Subject: 11.07.15 SimOC 2011 (Simulations in Organic Chemistry), Vigo, Spain
Simulations in Organic Chemistry (SimOC 2011)
Vigo (Spain)
July 15-16th,
University of Vigo.
Chairs: Armando Navarro and Carlos Silva 

This WATOC 2011 satellite meeting will gather lectures by 10 invited speakers
who have made prominent contributions to the broad field of Computational
Chemistry applied to Organic Chemistry challenges. The meeting also seeks to
provide an excellent environment to interact with different researchers in
the field, to promote technology transfer, and to establish new collaborations
among the participants. To facilitate the participation of everyone, from
professors to undergraduate students, we are glad to announce that the
participation to SimOC 2011 is open to everyone at no cost. Registration is,
however, necessary, since the number of participants is limited to 150 persons.

Vigo is conveniently located just 90 km (60 miles) south from Santiago de
Compostela, where the WATOC conference will be held between July 17-22nd.
Hourly trains connect both cities in 90 min trips. Vigo is a medium sized
city with vibrant harbour activity, gorgeous marine landscapes and outdoor
Celtic remains right at the center of the town.

Carlos Silva and Armando Navarro
Chairs of Simoc 2011
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Modified: Tue Mar 15 17:59:08 2011 GMT
Page accessed 5854 times since Tue Mar 15 17:57:10 2011 GMT

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