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Up Directory CCL 11.06.27 Theoretical Chemistry Group Conference 2011, University of Nottingham, UK
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Mon Mar 21 15:02:48 2011
Subject: 11.06.27 Theoretical Chemistry Group Conference 2011, University of Nottingham, UK
The Theoretical Chemistry Group (TCG), one of the interest groups of the
UK's Royal Society of Chemistry, is organising a two-and-a-half day
conference which will take place at the University of Nottingham (UK)
27-29 June 2011. The meeting will cover a broad spectrum of theoretical
and computational chemistry, including talks by leading international
scientists. There will also be a session with talks by final-year
postgraduate students from the UK. The following speakers have accepted
to give an invited lecture at the Conference: Professor Lorenz Cederbaum
(Heidelberg University, Germany), Professor Peter Bolhuis (University of
Amsterdam, Netherlands), Professor Markus Meuwly (University of Basel,
Switzerland), Professor Christel Marian (University of Duesseldorf,
Germany), Professor Jeremy Hutson (University of Durham, UK), Dr William
Barford (Oxford University, UK), Professor Fred Manby (University of
Bristol, UK), Professor Peter Haynes (Imperial College London, UK)
Professor Chris Pickard (University College London, UK) and Professor
Jonathan Essex (University of Southampton, UK).

Posters and offers of contributed talks are welcome. Final-year UK
graduate students are particularly encouraged to present a talk at the
Conference. These talks will form an important part of the meeting and
the Coulson prize will be awarded for the best graduate student talk. 
UK graduate students presenting posters will be eligible for a poster

The cost of conference registration including a two-night accommodation
package is 250 GBP and the cost of conference registration excluding
accommodation is 125 GBP. There will be bursaries available for graduate
students. Students applying for a bursary should pay the full registration
fee and this will be refunded if a bursary is awarded. The deadline for
registration for those applying for a student bursary or offering a talk
(final-year graduate student or contributed) is 31 March 2011. The
deadline for conference registration is 16 May 2011.

Please see for
registration and further details.
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Modified: Mon Mar 21 19:02:48 2011 GMT
Page accessed 5905 times since Mon Mar 21 19:02:49 2011 GMT

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