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CCL 12.01.04 5th School & Workshop on "Time-Dependent Density-Functional Theory: Prospects and Applications" |
From: chemistry-request at To: chemistry-request at Date: Thu Mar 24 17:23:57 2011 Subject: 12.01.04 5th School & Workshop on "Time-Dependent Density-Functional Theory: Prospects and Applications" 5th School & Workshop on "Time-Dependent Density-Functional Theory: Prospects and Applications" January 4th 2012 to January 18th 2012 Centro de Ciencias de Benasque Pedro Pascual (Benasque, Spain; Organizers: E. K. U. Gross, Max-Planck-Institut für Mikrostrukturphysik, Weinberg 2, D - 06120 Halle, Germany Phone: +49 3455582763 Mail: M. A. L. Marques, Laboratoire de Physique de la Matiére Condensé et des Nanostructures (LPMCN) Université Lyon I, UMR CNRS 5586, Bâtiment Brilloin Domaine scientifique de la DOUA, Villeurbanne F-69622, France Mail: F. Nogueira, Dep. de FÃsica, Faculdade de Ciencias e Tecnologia Universidade de Coimbra and Centro de FÃsica Computacional Rua Larga, 3004-516 Coimbra, Portugal Phone: +351-239410114 Mail: A. Rubio, Dpto. Fisica de Materiales, Facultad de Quimicas U. Pais Vasco, Centro Mixto CSIC-UPV/EHU and Donostia International Physics Center (DIPC) Apdo. 1072, 20018 San Sebastian/Donostia, Spain Phone: +34-943018292 Mail: A. Castro Institute for Biocomputation and Physics of Complex Systems (BIFI), Universidad de Zaragoza, Edificio I+D, Calle Mariano Esquillor s/n 50018 Zaragoza, Spain Phone: +34 976761000 ext 5354 Mail: Summary: This proposed School & Workshop is the fifth of a very successful series that started in 2004. The positive response to this first event, also held in the âCentro de Ciencias de Benasque Pedro Pascualâ, from August 28th to September 12th 2004, encouraged the organization of the sequels in the same place with an approximate periodicity of two years (2006, 2008 and 2010). The purpose has in all occasions been to (1) make a very intense introduction to both the theory, the practice, and the numerical implementation of time-dependent density-functional theory (TDDFT), mainly (but not exclusively) oriented to young scientists willing to initiate or strengthen their knowledge and skills on TDDFT, followed by (2) a workshop on the subject in which all the main aspects are to be covered by the leading experts. All the students of the school are expected to participate in the workshop, in order to learn about the state-of-the-art of the subject, after being exposed to the fundamentals. Since TDDFT is a rapidly evolving field of Science, the precise content of both school and workshop have changed over the years â although the format of the events has been largely unaltered. In this occasion, for example, we plan to increase our attention on the implementation of the density- functional based methods on the increasingly parallel (and powerful) high performance computing facilities â the step towards the so-called âpetascaleâ computing. In all occasions there has been a very large number of applicants for the school, that has increased every edition to become more than 150. This is not only a testimony of the strong pulse of the scientific field itself, but also of the good quality of the school. Since we want to maximize the learning experience of the students via a close interaction with the teachers (and also due to the logistic limitations imposed by the hands-on tutorial), the participants of the school will not exceed 50, as it has been in previous editions. The total number of participants in the full School & Workshop has been close to 110 in all occasions. It is worth mentioning that participants came from all over the world, making this series of schools and workshops a truly global event. The quality of the scientific work presented in the first edition prompted the organizers to edit a Springer Lecture Notes book with the contributions of both speakers and teachers of the workshop and the school, respectively. The book was carefully edited to provide a comprehensive survey of the subject (TDDFT and related methods), maintaining a pedagogical style. A copy of this book was then offered to all participants in the 3rd and 4th event, and served as basic course material for the school. In this occasion, a new book is being prepared in advance, and it will be distributed to the participants of this 5th School & Workshop. The need for an update of the text is due to the fast evolving nature of the subject. Location/Timing: We plan to organize this event at the âCentro de Ciencias de Benasque Pedro Pascualâ, Benasque, Spain (, from January 4th, 2012 to January 18th, 2012. Benasque is a beautiful town in the heart of the Pyrenees. The school will take place from Janary 4th (Day 0 - arrival of students for the school) to January 13th, and the workshop will start January 13th (arrival of participants to the workshop) and finish on January 18th (departure of all participants). Participants: The call for participation will be mainly directed to students and scientists specialized on computational physics, quantum chemistry and biophysics. We will limit the number of students to the school to 40 and participants to the workshop to less than 100, in order to ensure a maximum interaction between all the scientists participating. Attendance of graduate students and post-docs will be strongly encouraged through the inclusion of short contributed talks and a poster session. Furthermore, we will award to PhD students who present an outstanding poster short oral presentations. Applications/Support: -------------------- All persons who wish to participate should fill out the application form at: In the comments section, please indicate if you wish to participate in the Summer Summer School or in the Workshop (or in both). School only: As we have a very limited number of places for the school, students will be selected from among an open pool of applicants who have demonstrated a strong interest in computational sciences, applied to chemistry, physics, materials science and biology. Therefore, in order that we can make a reasonable selection, we ask that *all* candidates include in the comments section the following information: *) Date of birth, gender *) Motivation/Why they want to come (just a couple of lines is enough) *) What is their current and previous positions (if PhD or Post-doc state your supervisor). We will *not* accept applications that do not include this information. Furthermore, we will give priority to students willing to participate in both the Summer School and the Workshop. We also have a certain number of grants available that cover traveling and part of the stay in Benasque. If you want to apply for a grant, please indicate explicitly that you wish to be supported in the comments section, and explain why (just a couple of lines is enough). For participants coming from the USA, please check the following address for support: Tentative program for the School: The school will be attended by a maximum of around 50 students, and will last 9 days, with theoretical sessions (mostly) in the mornings and practical (tutorial) sessions in the afternoons. The theoretical sessions will consist of four 45m lectures (including discussions) per day. The practical sessions will last for 3 hours per day and a computer will be allocated for every two students. This will allow the students to have some time every day for studying and talking to the teachers. The program of the school starts with basic TDDFT, then continues with more complex theoretical and numerical aspects of TDDFT, and ends with an outline of some of its many applications. Basic knowledge on ground state DFT calculations is required. Also during the school we will address other approaches to describe excited state properties based on either man y-body perturbation theory or quantum-chemistry schemes. The preliminary program is: 04/01 a: Registration 05/01 m: TDDFT (2 x 45m, T) Overview of spectroscopies (45m, T) Many-Body - GW (45m, T) a: Introduction to the practical classes Introduction to the codes 06/01 m: Overview of spectroscopies (45m, T) TDDFT (45m, T) Many-Body - GW (45m, T) Many-Body - BSE (45m, T) a: Basic TDDFT code I (3h, P) 07/01 m: TDDFT (45m, T) Overview of spectroscopies (45m, T) Propagation schemes (45m, T) Many-Body - BSE (45m, T) a: Basic TDDFT code II (3h, P) 08/01 m: Advanced TDDFT (45m, T) Models for time-dependent phenomena (45m, T) Overview of spectroscopies (45m, T) TDDFT as a tool in chemistry (45m, T) a: Basic TDDFT code III (3h, T) 09/01 Free day 10/01 m: TDDFT as a tool in chemistry (45m, T) Models for time-dependent phenomena (45m, T) Advanced TDDFT (45m, T) Current DFT (45m, T) a: OCTOPUS I (3h, P) POSTER SESSION 11/01 m: TDDFT as a tool in chemistry (45m, T) Optimal control theory (45m, T) Current DFT (45m, T) Models for time-dependent phenomena (45m, T) a: OCTOPUS II (3h, P) POSTER SESSION 12/01 m: TDDFT vs. Many-Body (45m, T) TDDFT as a tool in chemistry (45m, T) TDDFT as a tool in biophysics (45m, T) Advanced TDDFT (45m, T) a: YAMBO I (3h, P) POSTER SESSION 13/01 m: TDDFT vs. Many-Body (45m, T) Models for time-dependent phenomena (45m, T) TDDFT as a tool in biophysics (45m, T) Current DFT (45m, T) a: YAMBO II (3h, P) Final Remarks Talks on Popular Science Tentative program for the Workshop: The 4 day workshop will start January 14, 2010 in the afternoon and will end January 18 in the morning. It will include both invited talks on key aspects of TDDFT (45m each), contributed talks (30m) and a poster session. The topics will include: * Foundations of TDDFT, new developments and challenges * Experimental challenges * TD-DMFT, optimal control theory and strong laser fields. * Excited state dynamics and chemical reactivity * Molecular Transport, open quantum systems * Applications: nanotubes, quantum dots, nanostructures, solids and surfaces * Biological applications * Computational: Towards Thousands of Atoms 5th School & Workshop on "Time-Dependent Density-Functional Theory: Prospects and Applications" January 4th 2012 to January 18th 2012 Centro de Ciencias de Benasque Pedro Pascual (Benasque, Spain; Organizers: E. K. U. Gross, Max-Planck-Institut für Mikrostrukturphysik, Weinberg 2, D - 06120 Halle, Germany Phone: +49 3455582763 Mail: M. A. L. Marques, Laboratoire de Physique de la Matiére Condensé et des Nanostructures (LPMCN) Université Lyon I, UMR CNRS 5586, Bâtiment Brilloin Domaine scientifique de la DOUA, Villeurbanne F-69622, France Mail: F. Nogueira, Dep. de FÃsica, Faculdade de Ciencias e Tecnologia Universidade de Coimbra and Centro de FÃsica Computacional Rua Larga, 3004-516 Coimbra, Portugal Phone: +351-239410114 Mail: A. Rubio, Dpto. Fisica de Materiales, Facultad de Quimicas U. Pais Vasco, Centro Mixto CSIC-UPV/EHU and Donostia International Physics Center (DIPC) Apdo. 1072, 20018 San Sebastian/Donostia, Spain Phone: +34-943018292 Mail: A. Castro Institute for Biocomputation and Physics of Complex Systems (BIFI), Universidad de Zaragoza, Edificio I+D, Calle Mariano Esquillor s/n 50018 Zaragoza, Spain Phone: +34 976761000 ext 5354 Mail: Summary: This proposed School & Workshop is the fifth of a very successful series that started in 2004. The positive response to this first event, also held in the âCentro de Ciencias de Benasque Pedro Pascualâ, from August 28th to September 12th 2004, encouraged the organization of the sequels in the same place with an approximate periodicity of two years (2006, 2008 and 2010). The purpose has in all occasions been to (1) make a very intense introduction to both the theory, the practice, and the numerical implementation of time-dependent density-functional theory (TDDFT), mainly (but not exclusively) oriented to young scientists willing to initiate or strengthen their knowledge and skills on TDDFT, followed by (2) a workshop on the subject in which all the main aspects are to be covered by the leading experts. All the students of the school are expected to participate in the workshop, in order to learn about the state-of-the-art of the subject, after being exposed to the fundamentals. Since TDDFT is a rapidly evolving field of Science, the precise content of both school and workshop have changed over the years â although the format of the events has been largely unaltered. In this occasion, for example, we plan to increase our attention on the implementation of the density- functional based methods on the increasingly parallel (and powerful) high performance computing facilities â the step towards the so-called âpetascaleâ computing. In all occasions there has been a very large number of applicants for the school, that has increased every edition to become more than 150. This is not only a testimony of the strong pulse of the scientific field itself, but also of the good quality of the school. Since we want to maximize the learning experience of the students via a close interaction with the teachers (and also due to the logistic limitations imposed by the hands-on tutorial), the participants of the school will not exceed 50, as it has been in previous editions. The total number of participants in the full School & Workshop has been close to 110 in all occasions. It is worth mentioning that participants came from all over the world, making this series of schools and workshops a truly global event. The quality of the scientific work presented in the first edition prompted the organizers to edit a Springer Lecture Notes book with the contributions of both speakers and teachers of the workshop and the school, respectively. The book was carefully edited to provide a comprehensive survey of the subject (TDDFT and related methods), maintaining a pedagogical style. A copy of this book was then offered to all participants in the 3rd and 4th event, and served as basic course material for the school. In this occasion, a new book is being prepared in advance, and it will be distributed to the participants of this 5th School & Workshop. The need for an update of the text is due to the fast evolving nature of the subject. Location/Timing: We plan to organize this event at the âCentro de Ciencias de Benasque Pedro Pascualâ, Benasque, Spain (, from January 4th, 2012 to January 18th, 2012. Benasque is a beautiful town in the heart of the Pyrenees. The school will take place from Janary 4th (Day 0 - arrival of students for the school) to January 13th, and the workshop will start January 13th (arrival of participants to the workshop) and finish on January 18th (departure of all participants). Participants: The call for participation will be mainly directed to students and scientists specialized on computational physics, quantum chemistry and biophysics. We will limit the number of students to the school to 40 and participants to the workshop to less than 100, in order to ensure a maximum interaction between all the scientists participating. Attendance of graduate students and post-docs will be strongly encouraged through the inclusion of short contributed talks and a poster session. Furthermore, we will award to PhD students who present an outstanding poster short oral presentations. Applications/Support: -------------------- All persons who wish to participate should fill out the application form at: In the comments section, please indicate if you wish to participate in the Summer Summer School or in the Workshop (or in both). School only: As we have a very limited number of places for the school, students will be selected from among an open pool of applicants who have demonstrated a strong interest in computational sciences, applied to chemistry, physics, materials science and biology. Therefore, in order that we can make a reasonable selection, we ask that *all* candidates include in the comments section the following information: *) Date of birth, gender *) Motivation/Why they want to come (just a couple of lines is enough) *) What is their current and previous positions (if PhD or Post-doc state your supervisor). We will *not* accept applications that do not include this information. Furthermore, we will give priority to students willing to participate in both the Summer School and the Workshop. We also have a certain number of grants available that cover traveling and part of the stay in Benasque. If you want to apply for a grant, please indicate explicitly that you wish to be supported in the comments section, and explain why (just a couple of lines is enough). For participants coming from the USA, please check the following address for support: Tentative program for the School: The school will be attended by a maximum of around 50 students, and will last 9 days, with theoretical sessions (mostly) in the mornings and practical (tutorial) sessions in the afternoons. The theoretical sessions will consist of four 45m lectures (including discussions) per day. The practical sessions will last for 3 hours per day and a computer will be allocated for every two students. This will allow the students to have some time every day for studying and talking to the teachers. The program of the school starts with basic TDDFT, then continues with more complex theoretical and numerical aspects of TDDFT, and ends with an outline of some of its many applications. Basic knowledge on ground state DFT calculations is required. Also during the school we will address other approaches to describe excited state properties based on either man y-body perturbation theory or quantum-chemistry schemes. The preliminary program is: 04/01 a: Registration 05/01 m: TDDFT (2 x 45m, T) Overview of spectroscopies (45m, T) Many-Body - GW (45m, T) a: Introduction to the practical classes Introduction to the codes 06/01 m: Overview of spectroscopies (45m, T) TDDFT (45m, T) Many-Body - GW (45m, T) Many-Body - BSE (45m, T) a: Basic TDDFT code I (3h, P) 07/01 m: TDDFT (45m, T) Overview of spectroscopies (45m, T) Propagation schemes (45m, T) Many-Body - BSE (45m, T) a: Basic TDDFT code II (3h, P) 08/01 m: Advanced TDDFT (45m, T) Models for time-dependent phenomena (45m, T) Overview of spectroscopies (45m, T) TDDFT as a tool in chemistry (45m, T) a: Basic TDDFT code III (3h, T) 09/01 Free day 10/01 m: TDDFT as a tool in chemistry (45m, T) Models for time-dependent phenomena (45m, T) Advanced TDDFT (45m, T) Current DFT (45m, T) a: OCTOPUS I (3h, P) POSTER SESSION 11/01 m: TDDFT as a tool in chemistry (45m, T) Optimal control theory (45m, T) Current DFT (45m, T) Models for time-dependent phenomena (45m, T) a: OCTOPUS II (3h, P) POSTER SESSION 12/01 m: TDDFT vs. Many-Body (45m, T) TDDFT as a tool in chemistry (45m, T) TDDFT as a tool in biophysics (45m, T) Advanced TDDFT (45m, T) a: YAMBO I (3h, P) POSTER SESSION 13/01 m: TDDFT vs. Many-Body (45m, T) Models for time-dependent phenomena (45m, T) TDDFT as a tool in biophysics (45m, T) Current DFT (45m, T) a: YAMBO II (3h, P) Final Remarks Talks on Popular Science Tentative program for the Workshop: The 4 day workshop will start January 14, 2010 in the afternoon and will end January 18 in the morning. It will include both invited talks on key aspects of TDDFT (45m each), contributed talks (30m) and a poster session. The topics will include: * Foundations of TDDFT, new developments and challenges * Experimental challenges * TD-DMFT, optimal control theory and strong laser fields. * Excited state dynamics and chemical reactivity * Molecular Transport, open quantum systems * Applications: nanotubes, quantum dots, nanostructures, solids and surfaces * Biological applications * Computational: Towards Thousands of Atoms The updated program with the list of speakers, both for the School and the Workshop, will be posted in the web page Speakers will be encouraged to present their talks in an informal style, allowing time for discussion. Also, they will be encouraged to be pedagogical during the first half of the talk, due the mixed character of the audience. The time for each talk will be divided into 75% for the presentation plus 25% discussion. The characteristics of the location encourage the scientific discussion beyond the allocated time for the talks: there is ample office space and discussion rooms. In our previous experiences, this fact has contributed considerably to the success of the event. The updated program with the list of speakers, both for the School and the Workshop, will be posted in the web page Speakers will be encouraged to present their talks in an informal style, allowing time for discussion. Also, they will be encouraged to be pedagogical during the first half of the talk, due the mixed character of the audience. The time for each talk will be divided into 75% for the presentation plus 25% discussion. The characteristics of the location encourage the scientific discussion beyond the allocated time for the talks: there is ample office space and discussion rooms. In our previous experiences, this fact has contributed considerably to the success of the event.NOTE THAT E-MAIL ADDRESSES HAVE BEEN MODIFIED!!! All @ signs were changed to _+_ to fight spam. Before you send e-mail, you need to change _+_ to @ For example: change to Please let colleagues know about conference listingts at Computational Chemistry List Conference Page at Please help: If you find this conference list useful but you noticed some conference missing, please consider including it here by using the Conference Submission Page. It is free but your support is welcome. You will help others!!! |
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