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Up Directory CCL 11.09.05 CPMD2011: Extending the limits of Ab initio Molecular Dynamics Simulations for Materials Science and Biophysics. Barcelona 2011
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Mon May 9 13:58:54 2011
Subject: 11.09.05 CPMD2011: Extending the limits of Ab initio Molecular Dynamics Simulations for Materials Science and Biophysics. Barcelona 2011
Dear colleague,

We kindly invite you to participate in the conference "CPMD2011:
Extending the limits of ab initio molecular dynamics for materials
science and biophysics", which will take place between September 5th and
9th, 2011, in Barcelona, Spain (

This is the fifth event in the series of conferences that were started
in 1999 (Schloss Rindberg, Germany) and successfully continued in 2001
(Schloss Rindberg,Germany), 2003 (Ascona, Switzerland), 2005 (Ascona,
Switzerland) and 2008 (Trieste, Italy). This time the meeting will take
place at the Parc Científic de Barcelona (Barcelona, Spain). The PCB is
located in the campus of the University of Barcelona, next to the Barça

The conference is directed to scientists working in the area of ab
initio molecular dynamics (Car-Parrinello method, Born-Oppenheimer MD,
and related techniques) as well as those interested in applying AIMD in
their projects. It aims to be a platform for discussion of the latest
progress in theory and applications of ab initio MD, as well as defining
the dominant trends in the field for the next years. In addition to
eight plenary talks, the conference program will include about 50
invited talks, as well as poster presentations. The deadline for the
early registration is May 31th, 2011 and the number of participants is

List of plenary speakers (confirmed):

Giulia Galli (University of California, Davis, USA )
Ursula Röthlisberger (Ecole Federale Polytechnique de Lausanne,
Michael L. Klein (Temple University, USA)
Erio Tosatti  (SISSA, Italy)
Marco Bernasconi (University of Milano, Italy)
Juerg Hutter (University of Zurich, Switzerland)
Alessandro Curioni (IBM Research, Zurich, Switzerland)
Annabella Selloni (Princeton University, USA)

The complete list of invited speakers and further information is
available on the conference web site:

We would be grateful if you distribute this invitation among other
colleagues that are interested in the conference.

With best regards,

Michele Parrinello (ETH Zurich, Switzerland)
Roberto Car (Princeton University, USA)
Paolo Carloni (German research School, Germany)
Carme Rovira (ICREA - Barcelona Science Park, Spain)
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Modified: Mon May 9 17:58:54 2011 GMT
Page accessed 6726 times since Mon May 9 13:23:29 2011 GMT

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