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Up Directory CCL 11.07.12 Materials Modelling and Property Prediction Day, Birmingham, UK
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Fri May 27 08:18:02 2011
Subject: 11.07.12 Materials Modelling and Property Prediction Day, Birmingham, UK
The Science City Research Alliance
Materials Modelling and Property Prediction Day

Date: Tuesday 12th July 2011
Time: 9:45am -- 1:00pm
Venue: Think Tank, Millennium Point, Birmingham

Event details
This free event is to inform an audience of industry participants about
the expertise and facilities available to them from within the Science
City Research Alliance in the field of computational materials and
nanoscience. The goal is to stimulate interaction and support the
development of relationships between industry and key academics from
across the Universities of Warwick and Birmingham and for you to see how
scientists in the Research Alliance can help you.

The ability to construct quantitative models to predict the properties
and the reactivity of molecules and materials is a key limitation in
many industries.  Within the Science City Research Alliance we have
particular expertise in developing computational chemistry models, and
implementing them to understand how variations in chemical components,
or processing conditions, can be used to tailor the properties of the
resultant materials both at bulk and nanoscopic levels

Expertise lies across a number of fields including:
* Modelling the interface between biological molecules and membranes
  with inorganic materials.

* Modelling nanoparticle nucleation, growth, rearrangement and

* Simulating hard materials (ceramics and metals) from the nano- to the

* Predicting charge transport in semiconductors and metal-insulator

* Modelling of organic and dye-sensitized materials.

* Predicting the behaviour of complex fluids and soft materials.

* Design of additives to control rheology and crystal growth

* Surface modification treatments and growth inhibition.

These areas cover an array of applications including:
* Biomedical applications including implants, inhibitors, bio-sensors,
  anti-cancer agents and drug delivery.

* Solar cells.

* Semiconductors and electronics.

* Catalysis in fuel cells and for synthesis.

* Oil and gas additives.

* Structural materials.

* Nanomedicine.

* Liquids, liquid crystals, polymers, and colloids.

Target audience

This meeting is aimed at anyone from the industry sector who has
applications and requirements in the topic areas. Representatives will
be most welcome from both high-tech start-up and more developed
companies with a technological aspect. The event will be most suitable
for individuals with some appreciation of science or technology.

The Science City Research Alliance
The Science City Research Alliance is a strategic union between the West
Midlands' two leading research universities: Warwick and Birmingham. The
aim of this alliance is to pool expertise, work collaboratively on
testing, analysis, research and development and engage with business and
industry, giving access to the latest thinking, research and
state-of-the-art equipment in the field.

The Chemistry Innovation Knowledge Transfer Network
Chemistry Innovation is a knowledge exchange at the forefront of the
chemistry-using industries. It's one of 16 Knowledge Transfer Networks
(KTNs) in the UK, structured around economic sectors. Chemistry is a key
enabling science for a major part of the UK economy and it is Chemistry
Innovation's mission to support the chemistry-using industries, driving
innovation and value across the chemistry-using industries. This
includes chemical and pharmaceutical sectors, chemistry dependent
sectors such as home and personal care, food and drink, polymers, crop
protection and lubricants, as well as sectors which require substantial
chemistry input, including oil, gas, materials and electronics. The
combined value of the UK chemistry-using industries is a total GVA of
over £270 billion, with a regular surplus on overseas trade.

The Nanotechnology Knowledge Transfer Network
The role of the NanoKTN is to simplify the nanotechnology Innovation
landscape by providing a clear and focused vehicle for the rapid
transfer of high-quality information on technologies, markets, funding
and partnering opportunities. The NanoKTN programme of work falls into 4
strategic objectives, which cascade down from the key goals of The
Technology Strategy Board.

To register for this free event please follow this link:
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