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Up Directory CCL 11.09.19 MSSC2011 - Ab initio Modelling in Solid State Chemistry (London edition - September 19-23, 2011)
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Sun Jun 12 13:21:39 2011
Subject: 11.09.19 MSSC2011 - Ab initio Modelling in Solid State Chemistry (London edition - September 19-23, 2011)

MSSC2011 - Ab initio Modelling in Solid State Chemistry
London Edition (New Users):

Discovering quantum-mechanical simulations with CRYSTAL


                 London (UK), September 19-23, 2011

                 Directors: N.M. Harrison - G. Mallia

The week long school is designed for CRYSTAL users,
PhD students, Post-Docs and researchers with interests in
solid state chemistry, physics, materials science, surface
science, catalysis, magnetism and nano-science.
It will provide both an introduction to the capabilities
of quantum mechanical simulation and to the practical
use of CRYSTAL09
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Modified: Sun Jun 12 17:21:39 2011 GMT
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