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Up Directory CCL 11.09.04 Molecular Kinetics Conference 2011, Berlin, Germany
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Wed Jun 29 05:38:46 2011
Subject: 11.09.04 Molecular Kinetics Conference 2011, Berlin, Germany
The workshop addresses the modeling and understanding of rare events,
metastability and nontrivial kinetics in biomolecules. We summon 
theoretical and experimental biophysicists, statistical physicists
and mathematicians working in the field. By this, we hope to
push both the development of theory, simulation and experiment in the field.

We are happy to present the following invited speakers at the conference

 	Robert Best, University of Cambridge, UK
	John Chodera, QB3, UC Berkeley, USA
	Ken Dill, Laufer Center, Stony Brook University, USA
	Olga Dudko, University of California, San Diego, USA
	William Eaton, National Institute of Health (NIH), USA
	Ron Elber, University of Texas, Austin, USA
	Philipp Geissler, University California, USA
	Helmut Grubmueller, MPI for Biophysical Chemistry, Germany
	Carsten Hartmann, Freie Universitaet Berlin, Germany
	Joachim Heberle, Freie Universitaet Berlin, Germany
	Gerhard Hummer, National Institute of Health (NIH), USA
	Dorothee Kern, Brandeis University, MA, USA
	Thomas Kiefhaber, TU Munich, Germany
	Ron Levy, Rutgers, University of New Jersey, USA
	Susan Marqusee, University of California, Berkeley, USA
	Roland Netz, TU Munich, Germany
	Frank Noe, Freie Universitaet Berlin, Germany
	Vijay Pande, Stanford University, USA
	Ben Schuler, University of Zurich, Switzerland
	Christof Schuette, Freie Universitaet Berlin, Germany
	Gabriel Stoltz, Ecole des Ponts ParisTech, France
	Dave Thirumalai, University of Maryland, USA
	Eric Vanden-Eijnden, Courant Institute, USA
	David Wales, University of Cambridge, UK
	Marcus Weber, Zuse Institute Berlin (ZIB), Germany
	Wilfred van Gunsteren, ETH Zurich, Switzerland

Registration deadline: July 31, 2011

Sincerely, the organizing committee:
Frank Noe, FU Berlin, Germany
Bettina Keller, FU Berlin, Germany
Jan-Hendrik Prinz, FU Berlin, Germany
Christof Schuette, FU Berlin, Germany
Peter Deuflhard, Zuse-Institut Berlin, Germany
Vijay Pande, Stanford University, USA
John Chodera, QB3, UC Berkeley, USA
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Modified: Wed Jun 29 09:38:46 2011 GMT
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