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Up Directory CCL 11.11.28 TCBG Online Workshop on Simulating Membrane Channels, November 28 - December 1, 2011
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Wed Oct 12 12:17:43 2011
Subject: 11.11.28 TCBG Online Workshop on Simulating Membrane Channels, November 28 - December 1, 2011
TCBG Online Workshop on Simulating Membrane Channels

    Application deadline for full consideration: November 16, 2011

The Theoretical and Computational Biophysics Group, NIH Resource for 
Macromolecular Modeling and Bioinformatics ( at the 
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (, will organize

     "Online Workshop on Simulating Membrane Channels"

to be held November 28-December 1, 2011. The workshop is presented online. 

Modeling and simulation of molecular systems have become inseparable 
components of modern research in molecular biology. In particular, 
molecular  dynamics simulation is increasingly used to investigate the 
mechanism and structure-function relationship of a wide range of biological
macromolecules. The course will present a brief introduction to such 
methodologies, and uses membrane proteins as an example of how 
computational biophysical methods and simulation technologies can be 
applied to biological problems. The molecular systems used as examples will
include biological water channels, as well as carbon nanotubes as 
artificial materials used in nanotechnology. The goal of the course is to 
walk the participants through various steps involved in modeling, 
simulation setup, and analysis of the results of molecular dynamics 
simulations and discuss what can be learnt from simulation studies of 
these systems. The lectures are accompanied by hands-on tutorials in which
the students can set up and run simulations on their own. 

The workshop is designed for graduate students and postdoctoral researchers
in computational and biophysical areas. Working familiarity with the VMD 
and NAMD software used in the workshop is assumed. Streaming video of a 
recorded lecture, tutorial self-study, and Skype/phone contact with the 
instructor are used to deliver course content. Enrollment is limited to 
20 participants. There is no fee for the workshop.

Applications to the workshop are due by November 16, 2011. Selection and 
notification of participants from the application pool will be completed 
by November 21, 2011. Those selected to attend must register by November 23,
2011. Managing technical requirements of the course (software installation, 
Skype requirements, suitable connection for streaming video, etc.) is the 
responsibility of participants.

We look forward to receiving your application!

TCBG Online Workshop Team

Workshop supported by NIH P41-RR005969 "Resource for Macromolecular 
Modeling and Bioinformatics".
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