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Up Directory CCL 13.09.01 ESOR 2013
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Mon Dec 5 11:20:27 2011
Subject: 13.09.01 ESOR 2013
The 14th European Symposium on Organic Reactivity (ESOR 2013) will be held
at the National Technical Library in Prague between the 

1st and 6th of September 2013 in Prague, Czech Republic.

The ESOR Symposia are dedicated to fundamental research in organic chemistry
and related areas, emphasizing the understanding of reactions (e.g.,
mechanisms, energetics) as well as the structures of compounds and materials.
Experimental as well as theoretical contributions are welcomed with a 
particular preference for multidisciplinary approaches. 
The program will include plenary and invited lectures, oral presentations, 
poster presentations, and an exhibition. We wish to cover all important 
areas of physical-organic chemistry and its interactions with other sciences,
e.g., mechanistic studies as a driving force in modern synthesis, physical-
organic chemistry of complex systems, new experimental and theoretical 
methods in organic chemistry.
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Modified: Mon Dec 5 16:20:28 2011 GMT
Page accessed 8821 times since Mon Dec 5 16:20:28 2011 GMT

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