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Up Directory CCL 12.08.30 MM2012 Molecular Modelling Meeting 30/8 - 1/9, Queenstown , New Zealand
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Mon Jan 16 16:48:02 2012
Subject: 12.08.30 MM2012 Molecular Modelling Meeting 30/8 - 1/9, Queenstown , New Zealand
MM2012, the next meeting of the Association of Molecular Modellers 
of Australasia (AMMA) will be held in Queenstown, New Zealand as 
part of Queenstown Research week. The main themes of the conference 
will be computer aided drug design, computational chemistry and 

Queenstown is a stunning town situated in the central south island 
ringed by the Southern Alps. Direct flights from the east coast of 
Australia, Auckland and Christchurch make it easily accessible.

The organising committee,

JJJ co-chairs

For further information and registration please go to: 
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Modified: Mon Jan 16 22:36:34 2012 GMT
Page accessed 6926 times since Mon Jan 16 21:21:51 2012 GMT

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