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Up Directory CCL 12.06.26 CCG UGM & Conference, Montreal, Canada
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Mon Feb 20 10:57:28 2012
Subject: 12.06.26 CCG UGM & Conference, Montreal, Canada
CCG UGM & Conference
June 26-29, 2012
Montreal, Canada
CCG UGM & Conference will be taking place this summer in
Montreal - June 26-29, 2012. An exceptional group of speakers will
be participating. We hope you can make it to the meeting!

There will be workshops on June 26-27. A poster session and the
official Opening Cocktail for the conference will take place on June
27 (evening). Talks will be scheduled on June 28-29 with a gala
dinner/cocktail on June 28. The meeting will close on Friday June 29
at 4:00 pm with a wine & cheese reception. Early registration
ends March 30, 2012. Register online at


June 26-29, 2012 | Montreal, Canada | Le Saint-Sulpice Hotel
Tuesday & Wednesday - June 26-27
- Pharmacophore in Drug Discovery
Overview | Query generation | Searching  | Use in docking and SBDD

- Binding Pocket Analysis
Solvent analysis | Hot spot identification |Non-standard interactions

- Protein Modeling
Structure preparation | Loop grafting | Conformational searching

- Structure-Based Drug Design
Ligand optimization in the pocket

- Scientific Vector Language
Overview & Programming concepts

- One-on-One Sessions
Q&A discussions with application scientists

Thursday & Friday - June 28-29
- Ali Zarrin, Immunology Discovery Group, Genentech
An Evolutionary Conserved PILRa Domain Mediates Its Interaction with
Diverse Sialylated Ligands
- Diane Joseph-McCarthy, Associate Director, AstraZeneca
Computational Target Evaluation and Lead Generation Strategies
- Igor Mochalkin, Senior Principal Research Investigator, EMD Serono
Synergistic Use of Computational Chemistry, Structural Biology and
Biophysics to Design Covalent Inhibitors of Kinases
- James Fraser, QB3 Fellow, Department of Cellular and Molecular
 Pharmacology, UCSF
Some Like it Hot: Conformational Ensembles from Room Temperature
X-ray Crystallography
- Jean-Francois Truchon, Research Scientist, Chemical Computing Group
Talk Title to be Announced
- Jeff Blaney, Director, Computational Chemistry & Cheminformatics,
Talk Title to be Announced
- Johannes Voigt, Associate Director, Merck
A Panel of Biological Activities Meets a Panel of Statistical
Methods and 1D2D3D Descriptors - in Silico Profiling of Compounds 
- Jose Duca, Head, Computer-Aided Drug Discovery, Novartis 
Talk Title to be Announced
- Lakshmi Narasimhan, Associate Research Fellow, Cancer
Computational Chemistry, Pfizer 
Conformational Analysis and Design of Cyclic Peptides Using LowModeMD 
- Marti Head, Director, Comp Chem US, GlaxoSmithKline
Talk Title to be Announced
- Paul Labute, President and CEO, Chemical Computing Group
Talk Title to be Announced
- Rama Kondru, Associate Director, Dept. Head of Computational
Chemistry and Data Mining, Hoffmann-La Roche
Medicinal Chemists as Modelers - Tips, Tricks and Way Forward
- Richard Dixon, Senior Research Scientist, Vertex
Leveraging Prior Knowledge for More Efficient Modeling
- Ron Elber, Professor of Chemistry and Biotechnology, University of Texas
Milestoning A New Paradigm for Kinetic and Free Energy Calculations
- Sandeep Kumar, Principal Scientist, Pfizer
Understanding Molecular Origins of Aggregation in Biotherapeutics
- Scott Brown, Research Director, Computational Chemistry, Discovery
and Early Clinical Research, Sunovion
Talk Title to be Announced
- Scott Rowland, Associate Scientific Fellow, Computational Chemistry,
Chemical Clustering and Similarity in MOE
- Vijay Pande, Professor, Department of Chemistry, Stanford University 
New Cloud Computing Based Methods for Rapid Sampling of Chemical and
Conformational Space
- Xiang Li, Principal Scientist, Boehringer Ingelheim
Storing and Mining Corporate Structural Data with PSILO

MEETING details can be found online at:


> > COST:
$ 300 if registered by March 30, 2012 - $ 400 thereafter.
Registration fees give you access to all workshop sessions,
presentations, meals and receptions.
Registration fees are waived for all attendees presenting an accepted poster.

Deadline is April 3, 2012. 
Please go to
to submit your poster details. 

For information on accommodations, please go to:

For more information please contact: 
Shirley Peng
Marketing Assistant
Chemical Computing Group
1010 Sherbrooke St. W, Suite 910
Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3A 2R7
Tel: 514-393-1055×146 | Fax: 514-874-9538
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Modified: Mon Feb 20 16:44:03 2012 GMT
Page accessed 6521 times since Mon Feb 20 15:46:31 2012 GMT

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