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Up Directory CCL 12.09.23 48th Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry, Karlsruhe, Germany
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Thu Apr 19 03:22:04 2012
Subject: 12.09.23 48th Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry, Karlsruhe, Germany
We are pleased to announce that the registration site is now open for
the 48th Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry, to be held in Karlsruhe,
on 23-27 September 2012.

Please use the registration link on our web page:

Here, you will also find a link to reserve housing via Karlsruhe
Messe- and Kongress-GmbH. The contingent of rooms is limited. It is
therefore recommended to book early. Note that there are several
double rooms available at a reasonable price.

The registration fee is 150 EUR. It includes the book of abstracts,
a welcome reception, lunches and evening meals in the KIT canteen at
Adenauerring, coffee breaks, and the conference dinner in the
restaurant Kuehler Krug.

The abstract submission site is also open. The deadline for abstract
submission is 6 July 2012. Please indicate whether you would like to
present your research as a poster or (when selected by the scientific
committee) as a contributed talk. Ca. 20 contributed talks will be
selected. Participants will be notified about their contributed talk
not later than 20 July 2012.

For correspondence, please use the email address:


We look forward to welcoming you to Karlsruhe.


Wim Klopper
Karin Fink
Florian Weigend
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Modified: Thu Apr 19 07:22:04 2012 GMT
Page accessed 6644 times since Thu Apr 19 07:20:13 2012 GMT

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