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Up Directory CCL 12.12.03 Computer-Aided Drug Design 2012 (CADD2012), University of UiTM Puncak Alam, Malaysia
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Tue Sep 18 07:14:23 2012
Subject: 12.12.03 Computer-Aided Drug Design 2012 (CADD2012), University of UiTM Puncak Alam, Malaysia
The 4th Seminar & Workshop on Computer-Aided Drug Design
3-7 December 2012

The seminar will present the latest findings in the area related to 
computational drug design, foster discussion about current research trend
and establish new collaborations. We would like to invite for oral and 
poster presentations in the following areas of drug design:

Structure-based Drug Design
Ligand-Based Drug Design
Pharmacophore Modelling
Molecular modelling and simulation
ADMET Prediction

Who Should Attend

Scientists from academic and industry engage in drug discovery and 
design as well as postgraduate students who would like to explore the 
application of computer aided drug design in the drug discovery process.

For more informations, please email cadd.malaysia!^!
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Modified: Tue Sep 18 11:14:23 2012 GMT
Page accessed 5124 times since Tue Sep 18 11:14:24 2012 GMT

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