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Up Directory CCL 12.10.26 Q-Chem User Workshop, October 26, 2012, Texas A&M University
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Wed Sep 19 23:44:04 2012
Subject: 12.10.26 Q-Chem User Workshop, October 26, 2012, Texas A&M University
Dear Colleague,

Q-Chem would like to invite you to a user workshop in conjunction with 
the 2012 Southwest Theoretical Chemistry Conference (SWTCC, to be held at Texas A&M University 
in College Station, Texas.  The workshop is on October 26th from 
10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m., immediately preceding the SWTCC conference 
which starts in the evening.

Q-Chem is a comprehensive ab initio package and the recent release of 
Q-Chem 4.0 includes many of the latest developments in quantum methodology.
The workshop will highlight some of the features in the new Q-Chem 4.0
software package and will provide hands-on tutorials of how to use the 
Q-Chem Program, including

-   Using IQmol, a fully integrated graphic interface to Q-Chem
-   Studying molecular interactions with dispersion-corrected and double
    hybrid functionals
-   Studying chemical reactions with the freezing string method and 
    related techniques
-   Studying valence and charge-transfer excited states with standard 
    and range-separated functionals
-   Exploring our highly efficient and accurate MP2 and coupled-cluster methods
-   Accounting for environment effects with implicit solvation models 
    (such as cPCM), effective fragment method and QM/MM

and much more.  The complete schedule is available online at

All workshop participants will receive a free four-month license for 
unlimited use of Q-Chem 4.0. Space is limited.   Please register by 
October 12th on our website by clicking

With the turbo-charged computational efficiency and the state-of-the-art
theoretical methods developed by the most reputable research groups in
the field, Q-Chem 4.0 is your ultimate tool to explore the frontiers of 
computational chemistry.  This workshop provides an excellent opportunity 
for you to learn the basics, as well as to gain some additional expertise
in effectively using Q-Chem for your research projects.  

We look forward to seeing you at Texas A&M.

Happy Computing,

The Q-Chem Team
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Modified: Thu Sep 20 03:44:04 2012 GMT
Page accessed 4916 times since Thu Sep 20 03:33:43 2012 GMT

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