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Up Directory CCL 12.10.30 WEBINAR: Exploring Reaction Paths Using the Freezing String Method, 4PM EST, October 30, 2012
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Tue Oct 23 22:10:02 2012
Subject: 12.10.30 WEBINAR: Exploring Reaction Paths Using the Freezing String Method, 4PM EST, October 30, 2012
Dear Colleagues:

We invite you to attend our online webinar series "Exploring Chemistry with Q-Chem". 
The first talk "Exploring Reaction Paths Using the Freezing String Method" will be 
presented by Prof. Martin Head-Gordon on October 30, 2012, at 4:00 p.m. EST. 
To attend this webinar, please register here

Summary: For many computational chemists and biologists, it is critically important 
to efficiently locate transition states in a chemical/biochemical reaction which enables
them to accurately predict kinetic constants. In this webinar, we will present a simple
and yet powerful method: the freezing string method to construct an approximate reaction
path between a pair of known reactant and product. The highest-energy point along the
approximate reaction path can then be used as an initial guess for subsequent refinement
of the transition state structure. We will demonstrate the use and efficiency of the 
freezing string method with 2'-butoxide formation in zeolite.

Presenter: Prof. Martin Head-Gordon is the Kenneth S. Pitzer Distinguished Professor of
Chemistry at the University of California at Berkeley and the Scientific Advisor to Q-Chem, Inc. 
Dr. Head-Gordon's research group centers on the development of new electronic structure theory methods, 
and their implementation as efficient computer algorithms. He is recognized with many awards, 
such as the Medal of the International Academy of Quantum Molecular Sciences (1998) and 
his election to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences (2011) and 
the American Chemical Society Fellow (2012).
Best regards,
The Q-Chem Team
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Modified: Wed Oct 24 02:10:02 2012 GMT
Page accessed 4845 times since Wed Oct 24 02:07:56 2012 GMT

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