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Up Directory CCL 13.03.07 CRC Intern Symp: Chemical Theory for Complex Systems, Univ of Strasbourg
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Sat Dec 22 01:32:32 2012
Subject: 13.03.07 CRC Intern Symp: Chemical Theory for Complex Systems, Univ of Strasbourg
CRC International Symposium in Strasbourg: 
Chemical Theory for Complex Systems

Date                 March 7-8, 2013
Venue                ISIS, University of Strasbourg, France
Symposium web site

This symposium will focus on “Chemical Theory for Complex Systems”. 
Catalysis is one of the most complex systems and is still difficult 
to understand. Theoretical and computational chemistry draws increasing 
attention in academic and industrial sciences. Theoretical approach 
to the catalysis is strongly desired but is not matured. Catalysis 
Research Center (CRC) at Hokkaido University promotes the research 
activities that bridge a gap between fundamental theories and the 
real chemical phenomena. We have invited excellent professors 
in this field. We hope that all participants will enjoy the lectures 
and the symposium will open a new horizon in this field.

Kiyotaka ASAKURA and Jun-ya HASEGAWA
Catalysis Research Center, Hokkaido University
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Modified: Sat Dec 22 06:32:32 2012 GMT
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