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Up Directory CCL 13.06.19 CHI's Structure-Based Drug Design
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Fri Feb 1 09:37:36 2013
Subject: 13.06.19 CHI's Structure-Based Drug Design

June 19-21, 2013,
The Revere Hotel, Boston, MA

At CHI/Bio-IT World's thirteenth annual Structure-Based Drug Design
conference, you will hear about developments in insilico technology, as
well as experimental approaches useful for accurately predicting and
modeling the structures of proteins in structure-based drug design
efforts. In addition, examples of successful applications of such
technology approaches to genome-to-drug lead investigations will be


Drugging the Undruggable:
Transforming Nature's α-Helix into Breakthrough Medicines
Tomi Sawyer, Ph.D., CSO, Aileron Therapeutics

Exploiting Solvent Effects in Drug Design and Optimization
Christopher R. Corbeil, Ph.D., Research Scientist, Chemical Computing Group

Determination of Binding Poses, Kinetics and Energetics in Fragment-Based
Gianni De Fabritiis, Ph.D., Computational Biophysics Laboratory (GRIB-IMIM),
Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona Biomedical Research Park (PRBB)

Visually Informed, Interactive Lead Optimization
Carsten Detering, Ph.D., CEO, BioSolveIT

Case Histories of Recent Fragment-Based Drug Discovery Projects
Christopher Murray, Ph.D., Director, VP Discovery Technology,
Astex Pharmaceuticals

Incorporating Ligand Polarisation in Binding Free Energy Calculations
Jonathan W. Essex, Ph.D., Head, Computational Systems Chemistry, Chairman,
Institute for Complex Systems Simulation (ICSS), School of Chemistry,
University of Southampton
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