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Up Directory CCL 13.07.01 Computational Electrostatics for Biological Applications, IIT, Genova, Italy
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Fri Feb 15 04:59:05 2013
Subject: 13.07.01 Computational Electrostatics for Biological Applications, IIT, Genova, Italy
CEBA is intended to be an international meeting joining researchers in computational disciplines 
aiming at discussing and exploring different approaches to improve the electrostatics calculations
in the Molecular Biology field.
The scope of the meeting is quite broad. However, a special focus on theoretical, numerical and 
modeling aspects of the Poisson-Boltzmann equation and its applications to the NanoBiotechnology
field will be given.
Since we strongly believe in the power of an interdisciplinary approach to the description of complex
physical and biological problems, this meeting is co-organized with the Shape Modeling Group of
the Institute of Applied Mathematics and Information Technology of the CNR and co-located with 
the Eurographics Symposium on Geometry Processing 2013, (3-5 July 2013), a premier venue for
exchanging research results on a wide range of topics related to the creation of mathematical
foundations and practical algorithms for the processing of complex geometric data sets and models.
Common poster session and social events are planned, to foster the cross-fertilization between the
A special "hands on DelPhi" session is envisioned, allowing young researchers interested in how to 
exploit the functionalities of the DelPhi Poisson-Boltzmann solver to walk through worked examples 
and ask questions on specific issues.
We are also preparing a book for the proceedings of the workshop.
For more information, visit the site:
or send an email to: cebameeting/a\
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Modified: Fri Feb 15 09:59:06 2013 GMT
Page accessed 5720 times since Thu Feb 14 17:37:59 2013 GMT

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