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Up Directory CCL 13.03.06 Webinar: "The Electronic Couplings in Electron Transfer and Excitation Energy Transfer"
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Wed Feb 20 13:14:49 2013
Subject: 13.03.06 Webinar: "The Electronic Couplings in Electron Transfer and Excitation Energy Transfer"
Title: "The Electronic Couplings in Electron Transfer and Excitation Energy Transfer"
Presenter: Prof. Chao-Ping (Cherri) Hsu, Academia Sinica
When: Wed, Mar 6, 2013, 8:00 PM - 9:00 PM EST
Duration: 1 hour


In recent years, research focusing on advanced materials and on molecular 
level of understanding in biological systems has attracted a lot of 
attention. One class of important reactions in this areas is the electron 
transfer (ET) process. Understanding of the corresponding electronic 
coupling becomes important since the coupling is an important parameter in 
the ET rate expression in the weak-coupling limit. Theoretical determination 
of ET coupling does not only provide a route to deeply understand the ET 
process, but also offers crucial hints to the designing of new functional 

Electronic coupling is an important factor in the ET rate constant in the 
weak-coupling limit. We have developed several new methods for calculating 
ET coupling and have applied them to functional organic molecules. In 
addition, we are also interested in excitation energy transfer (EET), 
where excitation energy between two molecules/fragments is exchanged. The 
singlet-singlet EET is widely known as Forster's dipole-dipole interaction.
We have recently studied the triplet-triplet EET, which is similar to the 
Dexter's exchange coupling. For the first time, ab initio triplet-triplet 
exchange coupling can be calculated and reported. Our results offer the 
basis to understanding previous experimental observation without additional

About the Presenter:

Cherri received her Ph.D. in Chemistry in 1998 from the California 
Institute of Technology. She was a Miller Research Fellow at the University
of California at Berkeley from 1998 to 2001. She joined the Institute of 
Chemistry, Academia Sinica, in 2002, where she is now an associate research
fellow ( 
Her main research interest in computational chemistry has been in the 
characterization of electronic coupling for charge and energy transports.

Cherri has been recognized by many awards, such as the Wu Ta-You Memorial 
Award from National Science Council of Taiwan (2008 ); Junior Researcher 
Award, Academia Sinica (2009); Pople Medal, Asia-Pacific Association of 
Theoretical & Computational Chemists (2010); Outstanding Young Scholar 
Award from Shui-Mu Foundation of Chemistry (2011).
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