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Up Directory CCL 13.09.29 SciX 2013 - The Great Scientific eXchange, Milwaukee, WI, USA
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Mon Feb 25 09:13:23 2013
Subject: 13.09.29 SciX 2013 - The Great Scientific eXchange, Milwaukee, WI, USA
SciX 2013 - The Great Scientific eXchange, is taking place this year at the
Hyatt Regency Milwaukee and the Delta Center, 400 W Wisconsin Ave, Milwaukee,
WI, September 29, 2013 - October 4, 2013.

SCiX, organized by FACSS, the Federation of Analytical Chemistry and 
Spectroscopy Societies, provides an international forum for the exchange of 
cutting-edge analytical science. The strength of SciX lies in its scientific 
program, spanning the breadth of analytical chemistry with plenary talks, 
award talks and symposia, and topical poster sessions. Ten award symposia 
are scheduled, plus numerous student and FACSS-sponsored poster awards. New 
and innovative contributions are at the heart of the FACSS goal of fostering 
scientific exchange. Space is dedicated in every oral session for contributed 
papers to give them a wide audience. 

For more information, please visit To learn 
more about FACSS, please visit
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Modified: Mon Feb 25 14:13:23 2013 GMT
Page accessed 5390 times since Mon Feb 25 14:04:57 2013 GMT

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