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Up Directory CCL 13.09.08 Computational Photocatalysis Symposium, 246th ACS National Meeting, Indianapolis, IN, USA
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Fri Mar 15 15:03:53 2013
Subject: 13.09.08 Computational Photocatalysis Symposium, 246th ACS National Meeting, Indianapolis, IN, USA

Please print or view the details of the Sympsium Program and the Symposium Poster that includes further details about speakers and topics of the symposium. These are PDF files.

Photocatalysis symposium at ACS Meeting in Indianapolis, Sep. 8-12, 2013

CALL FOR PAPERS at the 246th ACS National Meeting in Indianapolis, IN.

You are cordially invited to submit an abstract of your potential talk at the Computational Photocatalysis symposium. It is one of symposia provided by Computers in Chemistry (COMP) Division program at the fall meeting of the American Chemical Society in Indianapolis, IN, Sep. 8-12, 2013.

Each talk (oral presentations only) is supposed to be 30-minutes long. The size limit for the abstract is 150 words. It may include Tables and Figures. A figure counts for a total of 70 words. Abstracts can be submitted online at

This symposium presents current frontiers in computational, experimental and theoretical studies of photoreactions in order to facilitate a synergistic interdisciplinary effort towards computationally assisted design of novel energy materials. It is going to be outstanding due to a considerable number of invited talks.

The symposium welcomes presentations combining both theory and experiment. Please, feel free to encourage your colleagues, whose research is in the field of photocatalysis and photovoltaics, to submit their abstracts to the symposium.

The fall ACS meeting is one of the largest scientific meetings in the world. Thus, we strongly recommend you to submit your abstract early. You will be able to edit it later, before the deadline on March 20.

The deadline for the abstract submission is Wednesday, March 20, 2013 at 11pm Central Time! Please, see the flyer for other details.

An award stipend will be presented to the best graduate student talk.

We will be happy to have your submission to the symposium on photocatalysis! With best regards,

Dmitri Kilin, Svetlana Kilina, Shuping Huang

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Modified: Thu Sep 26 23:58:07 2013 GMT
Page accessed 5174 times since Fri Mar 15 19:03:54 2013 GMT

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