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Up Directory CCL 13.08.03 Crystal Structure Prediction Workshop, Guilin, China
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Tue Apr 23 00:36:49 2013
Subject: 13.08.03 Crystal Structure Prediction Workshop, Guilin, China
Dear colleagues,

It is a great pleasure to announce the 5th Workshop on Evolutionary
Crystal Structure Prediction using the USPEX Code, which will take place
on three-8 August 2013 in Guilin, China. The workshop will include
lectures from leaders of this field, including the developers of the
USPEX code and its expert users, and extensive hands-on practical
training sessions. There will be an opportunity for the participants of
the workshop to start their own research projects using USPEX with the
help of the code developers.

Registration is open until 15 June 2013, for details see .
Thanks to generous funding, registration fee is only $306 and includes
accommodation, all meals, and scenic excursion. 

Guilin is famous as the site of the most beautiful landscapes of China,
and the place of exciting and rich cultural diversity. 
USPEX workshops have a rich and successful tradition, with many
attendees quickly becoming expert users and authors of high-impact
papers. We look forward to meeting you in Guilin,

The organizers

Chaohao Hu (Guilin University of Electronic Technology, China),
Artem R. Oganov (SUNY Stony Brook, USA),
Qingfeng Zeng (Northwestern Polytechnical University, China),
Tian Cui (Jilin University, China)
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Modified: Wed Apr 24 02:37:56 2013 GMT
Page accessed 4822 times since Tue Apr 23 04:36:49 2013 GMT

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