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Up Directory CCL 13.06.26 Advances in Photoreactions: When spin-orbit coupling, optical excitation and motion of nuclei are of equal importance?
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Mon May 20 17:26:27 2013
Subject: 13.06.26 Advances in Photoreactions: When spin-orbit coupling, optical excitation and motion of nuclei are of equal importance?

Advances in Photoreactions: When spin-orbit coupling, optical excitation and motion of nuclei are of equal importance?

Conference Poster

June 24-28, 2013

Telluride Intermediate School
725 W. Colorado Telluride CO 81435
This workshop presents current frontiers in computational and theoretical studies 
of  basic processes contributing to photo-reactions:
 light absorption, formation and breaking of charge transfer excitations, 
hot carrier relaxation, and reaction dynamics at catalytic sites 
with heavy elements --- all perturbed by environment such as 
lattice vibrations and solvent polarization and, therefore treated with 
"open system" approach: Non-adiabatic dynamics, on-the-fly coupling, 
surface hopping, and density matrix equation of motion became 
computational tools of choice for ab initio treatment of 
nonequilibrium dynamics in molecules and nanostructures. 
The open challenge arises in processes with spin-orbit coupling, 
optical excitation and motion of nuclei are of equal importance. 
Further theoretical advances are needed for interpretation of 
experimental data and applications ranging from charge transfer 
in semiconductor nanocrystals for photovoltaics and surface reactions 
for photocatalysis to spectroscopy of color centers in laser crystals, 
transition metal and rare earth ions in solid host matrices and soft 
coordination complexes, molecular magnets, and biolabels. 
Workshop targets conversion of experimental probes and 
computational descriptions of excited electronic state 
and reaction dynamics of broad range of nano-structured materials  
for photo-catalytic and photovoltaic applications.

Registration Fee
Regular Price: $ 390.00

Students & Postdocs Discount: 50%

Telluride, CO is a famous resort offering excellent mountain hiking in summer.
Telluride Science Research Center is offering several options for housing,
from hotel room to condo apartments. 

For details Please contact Organizers:
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Modified: Tue May 21 02:34:55 2013 GMT
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