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Up Directory CCL 14.02.18 Workshop on Theoretical Chemistry, 18 - 21 February 2014, Mariapfarr, Austria
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Mon Jun 10 04:46:40 2013
Subject: 14.02.18 Workshop on Theoretical Chemistry, 18 - 21 February 2014, Mariapfarr, Austria
The topics of the 19th workshop are New wavefunction methods and 
entanglement optimizations in quantum chemistry.

Markus Reiher (Zurich):
New parametrizations for the electronic wavefunction in quantum chemistry.

Reinhold Schneider (Berlin):
Tensor method approximations for electronic structure calculations.

Reinhard M. Noack (Marburg):
DMRG method and applications from many-body physics point of view.

Ors Legeza (Budapest):
Generalized tensor methods and entanglement optimizations in quantum chemistry.

Scientific organization:
Prof. Dr. Ors Legeza (Budapest)

For further information contact alexander.sax-*
or visit the webpage at

We hope to see you in Mariapfarr.

With kind regards

Alexander F. Sax
Local organizer
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Modified: Mon Jun 10 08:46:41 2013 GMT
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