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Up Directory CCL 13.09.02 IMPRS Summer School: MULTISCALE MODELING AND SIMULATION, Magdeburg, Germany
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Fri Jun 21 09:48:13 2013
Subject: 13.09.02 IMPRS Summer School: MULTISCALE MODELING AND SIMULATION, Magdeburg, Germany
3rd IMPRS Summer School: 

Most scientific and engineering problems require considering important features
occurring on multiple spatial and time scales. 

Simplified approaches considering only single scales are often not capable
to describe the complex phenomena of interest.

Due to the wide range of scales and the enormous numbers of variables involved,
the applicability of multiscale approaches is still limited, even if supercomputers are applied. 

Therefore, the development of systematic modeling and simulation concepts
is essential to solve multiscale problems.

The objective of the 2013 IMPRS Summer School is to introduce basic concepts
and theoretical foundations of multiscale modeling and simulation 
and to bridge the gap between mathematics and various application disciplines,
including biology, chemistry and engineering. 

Examples from different areas will be introduced as well as the possible connections 
between some of these areas.

An essential part of the Summer School will be specific tutorials. 
These should allow the participants to extent their theoretical knowledge 
about multiscale models and simulations, to better understand the underlying
ideas and to become familiar with some available tools.

We further hope that inspiring discussions will evolve across the borders 
of the various disciplines.
We are inviting PhD students and advanced Master students to apply for participation.

The conference fee of 200 Euro incl. lunches, coffee breaks and excursion on Thursday afternoon.  

For more details, programme and registration before 15th August 2013 see below.

Please check the program and apply via the online form:
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Modified: Fri Jun 21 13:48:13 2013 GMT
Page accessed 4956 times since Fri Jun 21 12:48:54 2013 GMT

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