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Up Directory CCL 13.11.21 pDynamo Workshop & Molecular Simulation Symposia 2013 - Sao Paulo, Brazil
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Wed Jul 24 10:57:27 2013
Subject: 13.11.21 pDynamo Workshop & Molecular Simulation Symposia 2013 - Sao Paulo, Brazil
         pDynamo Workshop & Molecular Simulation symposia - 2013


We would like to announce that a pDynamo workshop and a Molecular 
Simulation symposia will be held in Sao Paulo, Brazil, from the 21st 
to the 23rd November 2013 at the Chemistry Institute, Universidade 
de Sao Paulo (USP).

Both events will consist of a number of presentations by invited 
speakers and members of the pDynamo community, together with a number 
of practical sessions using pDynamo. Students and those new to 
pDynamo are especially welcome. A poster session open to all 
participants will also be held. Support for both events is being 
provided by FAPESP.

Please, visit for further 

A provisional list of confirmed speakers is:

    Fernando Bachega (USP, Brazil)
    Ramon Crehuet (IQAC, Spain)
    Martin Field (IBS, France)
    Gerhard Hummer (NIH, USA)
    Luis Rego (UFSC, Brazil)
    Pengyu Ren (Texas at Austin, USA)
    Marius Retegan (MPI-CEC, Germany)
    Gerd Rocha (UFPE, Brazil)
    Troy Wymore (ORNL, USA)
    Daniel Zuckerman (Pittsburgh, USA)

Organizing comitee:
Guilherme Menegon Arantes (USP, Brazil)
Martin Field (IBS, France)
Troy Wymore (ORNL, USA)
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Modified: Wed Jul 24 14:57:28 2013 GMT
Page accessed 5767 times since Wed Jul 24 14:55:24 2013 GMT

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