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Up Directory CCL 13.11.15 22th Conference on Current Trends in Computational Chemistry (Jackson, Miss USA)
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Thu Aug 15 15:32:27 2013
Subject: 13.11.15 22th Conference on Current Trends in Computational Chemistry (Jackson, Miss USA)
We would like to invite you and encourage your students, postdoctoral
fellows and colleagues to participate in the 22th Conference on Current
Trends in Computational Chemistry to be held in Jackson, Miss (USA),
November 15-16, 2013.

This CCTCC meeting will gather plenary lectures by fifteen distinguished
invited speakers. It will also provide the opportunity to all members of our
community, researchers and students, to present and discuss their work
through several poster sessions. Contributions in all areas of methods
development, applications in theoretical chemistry, computational physics
and biology are welcomed.

Students will have excellent opportunity to participate in poster
competition with monetary prizes for the three best posters.

Important Date:
Early registration and abstract submission is open until August 31, 2013.
Register today at
and take advantage of significantly discounted registration fee!

Confirmed list of invited speakers:
T. Carrington, Queens University, Canada
Helena Dodziuk, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland
Jeff Hammond, Argonne National Laboratory, IL, USA
J. Limtrakul, Kasetsart University, Thailand
Michael McKee, Auburn University, AL, USA
Jane Murray, CleveTheoComp, Ohio, USA
Michele Pavanello, Rutgers University, New Jerzy USA
M. Pettitt, University of Houston, Texas, USA
Tomasz Puzyn, University of Gdansk, Poland
Joan-Emma Shea, UC Santa Barbara, CA, USA
O. Shishkin, Institute for Single Crystals, Ukraine
E. Schwegler, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, CA, USA
Yuliang Zhao, Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS, China

All details about registration, abstracts and housing may be found at

Questions? Email us at cctcc(_)

Please also feel free to forward this invitation to any potentially
interested colleagues. We look forward to seeing you in Jackson this Fall!
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Modified: Fri Aug 16 11:31:33 2013 GMT
Page accessed 5121 times since Thu Aug 15 19:32:27 2013 GMT

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