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Up Directory CCL 13.12.16 Helsinki Winter School in Theoretical Chemistry: Theoretical Spectroscopy
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Tue Oct 8 06:48:29 2013
Subject: 13.12.16 Helsinki Winter School in Theoretical Chemistry: Theoretical Spectroscopy
The topic of this year's edition of the Winter School in Theoretical 
Chemistry is "Theoretical Spectroscopy"; the venue, Department of
Chemistry, University of Helsinki, Finland; the dates, 16-19 Dec 2013.

Speakers include:

  Helene Bolvin, Universite Paul Sabatier, Toulouse
  Ove Christiansen, University of Aarhus
  Claudia Filippi, University of Twente
  Jurgen Gauss, University of Mainz
  Anna Krylov, University of Southern California
  Samuel Leutwyler, University of Berne
  Christel Marian, University of Dusseldorf
  Patrick Norman, University of Linkoping
  Kenneth Ruud, University of Tromso
  John Stanton, University of Texas
  Colin Western, University of Bristol

Participants are requested to register by December 5th, 2013.
The School is free of charge for academic staff and students.

For more information, see 

Questions can be sent to

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Modified: Tue Oct 8 10:48:31 2013 GMT
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