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Up Directory CCL 14.06.04 Interface between experimental and theoretical approaches to energy-related enzyme catalysis, University College London, UK
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Wed Nov 6 08:44:28 2013
Subject: 14.06.04 Interface between experimental and theoretical approaches to energy-related enzyme catalysis, University College London, UK
The aim of this workshop is is to bring together leading experimentalists 
and computational scientists working on enzymatic and/or bioinspired 
H2 oxidation and production, CO2 reduction, photosynthesis and biological 
charge transport. This workshop will provide a platform for 
an active dialogue and collaboration between members of the community, 
embracing experiment, computation, theory and possible commercial exploitation.

Registration will open 15 January 2014

Conference web:
Contact: Dr. Jochen Blumberger (j.blumberger .at.
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Modified: Wed Nov 6 13:44:28 2013 GMT
Page accessed 5602 times since Wed Nov 6 13:41:22 2013 GMT

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