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Up Directory CCL 14.03.03 FUUAST-International Conference on Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology (ICNN-2014)
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Fri Nov 15 01:35:09 2013
Subject: 14.03.03 FUUAST-International Conference on Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology (ICNN-2014)
We feel great pleasure to announce the FUUAST-International Conference on 
Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology (ICNN-2014).

The conference is going to be held in Federal Urdu University of Arts Science
 & Technology Karachi, Pakistan on 3-5 March, 2014. More than 300 participant
s from different countries will participate in this event. The conference will
l comprise on a number of keynote, plenary and contributed lectures along 
with poster sessions and parallel sessions on tropical and most recent issues
 in Nanomaterials and nanotechnology.

Nanotechnology is an emerging field that has tremendous potential for vast 
spectrum of applications including the key areas such as energy, environmental
 science, information and communication technologies, medicine and industry. 
All technologically advanced countries have already gaining the benefits of 
this technology in order to raise living standards of their common man and 
improving their economic growth.

• This conference is intended to cover the most relevant nonmaterials and 
nanotechnologies for Pakistan as well as the challenges for their potential 

• The conference will provide a forum to our scientists and engineers where 
they can learn from international expertise from a range of technologically 
advanced countries where the nanotechnology already bringing unprecedented benefits.

• This conference will explore the ways is to develop and fine-tune the links
 between the groups working in the various fields of nanotechnology and 
nanomaterials both locally and internationally. The resulting interdisciplinary 
exchange of knowledge will definitely lead to an exponential boost in the economic
 growth of our country.

• Considerable amount of attention will be given on areas that are of 
immediate benefits for Pakistan. In particular, latest international 
trends in the application of nanotechnology in agriculture, water 
purification, disease diagnosis and treatment, drug delivery, textile,
 sports goods and leather industry will be addressed.

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Modified: Fri Nov 15 06:35:09 2013 GMT
Page accessed 5627 times since Thu Nov 14 07:28:51 2013 GMT

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