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Up Directory CCL 14.05.29 Recent Advances in Modeling Rare Events, Vasundhara Sarovar Premiere, Kumarakom (Kerala), India
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Wed Dec 4 07:21:40 2013
Subject: 14.05.29 Recent Advances in Modeling Rare Events, Vasundhara Sarovar Premiere, Kumarakom (Kerala), India
IIT Kanpur is organizing a three day international symposium 
"Recent Advances in Modeling Rare Events" (RARE2014) at the 
Vasundhara Sarovar Premiere, Kumarakom (Kerala, India), during 
May 29 - June 01, 2014

Details of the symposium are available at the link . 

You may also follow us on the facebook at the page

Many distinguished researchers from different domains of science 
working on the rare event sampling, optimization and related 
problems in molecular modeling are expected for the meeting. 

Lectures will be focusing on the techniques that are recently 
developed to model chemical reactions, protein folding, phase 
transitions and nucleation. 

The meeting would be a good platform for the participants to 
discuss the established and novel methods in detail and to form 
collaborations in order to work towards developing new techniques. 
Moreover, young researchers get an opportunity to closely interact 
with the experts of the field. Sessions are designed to facilitate 
scientific discussions. 

Registration: Jan. 15-March 15, 2014. More details on registration are 
available at the symposium webpage.
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Modified: Wed Dec 4 12:21:40 2013 GMT
Page accessed 5417 times since Wed Dec 4 12:12:46 2013 GMT

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