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Up Directory CCL 14.03.28 CEADD2014: Modelling water in biological systems
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Fri Dec 20 07:03:28 2013
Subject: 14.03.28 CEADD2014: Modelling water in biological systems
A one day conference entitled 'Modelling Water in Biological Systems' 
will be held at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) in 
London on Friday, 28 March, 2014. This meeting, organised by the MGMS, 
is the latest in the 'Cutting Edge Approaches to Drug Design (CEADD)' 


In recent years, significant progress has been made in probing the role 
of water molecules in protein-ligand binding.  Hydration is a crucial 
factor in understanding binding modes, ligand affinities and kinetics.  
Modelling tools are becoming available which may offer new insights in 
this exciting and evolving area of current research. 

This conference provides a timely overview of some of the main research 
avenues in this important field.


Registration is now open for this one-day meeting. You can find full 
details, including a registration form, on the MGMS website at . 

We look forward to seeing you in London in March!
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Modified: Fri Dec 20 12:03:28 2013 GMT
Page accessed 4974 times since Fri Dec 20 11:59:56 2013 GMT

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