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Up Directory CCL 14.09.14 STC2014: 50th Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Thu Feb 6 04:53:59 2014
Subject: 14.09.14 STC2014: 50th Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry
It is our pleasure to announce  the 50th Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry,
which will take place in Vienna, Austria from September 14-18, 2014.

This year meeting will feature 15 invited speakers, who will present talks
spanning from the development of methods in quantum chemistry, in dynamics,
or the combination of both, to applications, also for excited states and
light-induced processes. Additionally, 24 oral presentations from any field
of Theoretical Chemistry will be selected from submissions and posters. Two
poster sessions will allow you to interact with theorists from all fields of
Theoretical Chemistry. On September 17th, the Hellmann Prize will be awarded
to a young theoretical chemist.

We specially encourage young students and postdocs to attend the meeting.
Six poster prizes will be awarded to the best posters from young scientists
(<35 years).

Invited speakers:
     Irene Burghardt (Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany)
     Garnet Chan (Princeton University, USA)
     Andreas Dreuw (University of Heidelberg, Germany)
     Marcus Elstner (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany)
     Laura Gagliardi (University of Minnesota, USA)
     Juergen Gauß (University of Mainz, Germany)
     Hardy Gross (Max-Planck-Institut fuer Mikrostrukturphysik, Halle,Germany)
     Roland Lindh (Uppsala University, Sweden)
     Todd Martinez (University of Stanford, USA)
     Benedetta Menucci (University of Pisa, Italy)
     Mike A. Robb (Imperial College London, UK)
     Peter Saalfrank (University of Potsdam, Germany)
     Ivano Tavernelli (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne,Switzerland)
     Walter Thiel (Max-Planck-Institut fuer Kohlenforschung, Mülheim, Germany)
     Hans-Joachim Werner (University of Stuttgart, Germany)

The 50th anniversary will be additionally celebrated with two historical
lectures. Wilfried Meyer (Kaiserslautern) will highlight the development of
Theoretical Chemistry in the last 50 years within the German speaking
countries and Klaus Ruedenberg (Iowa) will tell us about the history of
Chemistry starting 3000 years ago.

Important dates:
Registration is now open and closes on the 30th of May.
Abstract deadline for oral contributions: 15th June.
Abstract deadline for posters: 15th July.

The registration fee (250 EUR, reduced to 200 EUR for PhD students) includes
the book of abstracts, a welcome reception, lunches, coffee breaks, evening
food, free drinks during the two poster sessions, and the closing conference
dinner in a typical Viennese wine tavern. A number of excursions can also be
booked through the registration home page.

The number of participants is limited, so we cordially invite you to
register as soon as possible.  A contingent of affordable rooms have been
reserved to facilitate housing in Vienna.  September is conference high
season and cheap accommodation runs out fast. It is therefore recommended to
book early. If you fly with Austrian airlines, a discount of 15% is applied
for STC participants.

For further details, check our conference website

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Modified: Thu Feb 6 09:53:59 2014 GMT
Page accessed 6697 times since Thu Feb 6 09:53:59 2014 GMT

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