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Up Directory CCL 14.07.01 New Workshop: Modeling of Electronic Devices and Materials at the Nanoscale
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Mon Feb 10 14:57:03 2014
Subject: 14.07.01 New Workshop: Modeling of Electronic Devices and Materials at the Nanoscale


QuantumWise and Technical University of Denmark would like to notify all about this new workshop

Modeling of Electronic Devices and Materials at the Nanoscale

The event takes place in Copenhagen 1-3 July and includes:

  • 2 days conference program with talks by state-of-the-art modeling experts
    • See list of speakers below
  • 1 day Atomistix ToolKit exclusive Hands-On Tutorial at QuantumWise headquarters
    • A chance get advice from the developers behind the code.
  • Guided tour to Niels Bohr Institute in Copenhagen
    • Hear about the famous physicist and see his office.

Visit the workshop website

List of confirmed speakers

Asen Asenov (Gold Standard Simulations)

Jerry Bernholc (North Carolina State University)

Anders Blom (QuantumWise)

Volker Blum (Duke University)

Mads Brandbyge (DTU Nanotech)

Fabian Bufler (Synopsys)

Jan Hamaekers (Fraunhofer SCAI)

Hannes Jonsson (University of Iceland)

Gerhard Klimeck (University of Purdue)

Mathieu Luisier (ETH Zürich)

Troels Markussen (QuantumWise)

Branislav Nikolic (University of Delaware)

Geoffroy Pourtois (IMEC)

Gian-Marco Rignanese (U. Catholique de Louvain)

Alexander Schluger (University College London)

Kurt Stokbro (QuantumWise)

Tejs Vegge (DTU)

Workshop banner and link for website

Call for abstracts

Send your abstract before 1st of April if you wish to give a contributed talk or want to present a poster at the poster session.
We hope to see you in Copenhagen!

Best regards Mads Brandbyge (DTU) and Kurt Stokbro (QuantumWise)

Early bird

Related events

ATK Workshop at ACS Spring Meeting in Dallas, Texas, USA

"Atomic-scale Modelling and Electron Transport in Nanostructures" -more info

Free for ACS Spring Meeting Attendees

Where: Dallas Convention Center, Room D220

When: Wednesday, March 19, 12:30 PM - 3:00 PM

American Chemical Society
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Modified: Mon Feb 10 19:57:03 2014 GMT
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