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Up Directory CCL 14.07.31 Recent Appointees in Materials Modelling, Imperial College London, UK
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Thu Feb 13 05:27:57 2014
Subject: 14.07.31 Recent Appointees in Materials Modelling, Imperial College London, UK
The first "Recent Appointees in Materials Modelling" (RAMM) meeting will be
held from the 31st July to 1st August 2014 at the Thomas Young Centre at 
Imperial College London. The event is open to those from across the UK who
focus on materials modelling and are in the first 5 years of an academic 
post (lecturers, research fellows and senior PDRAs).

The meeting will involve sessions and plenary talks in the general area of 
materials modelling, covering research topics ranging from simulations of 
condensed and soft matter, to functional or catalytic materials discovery. 
It will also include advice from funders on funding opportunities. For more 
information please visit our webpage:

Registration to RAMM2014 is free and attendees will have the chance to win a
Tesla K40 GPU Accelerator, courtesy of NVIDIA (NVIDIA Best Paper Award). You 
can register and submit abstracts until June 30th at:

Organising committee: Dr. Kim Jelfs (Imperial), Dr. Michail Stamatakis (UCL)
and Dr. Cedric Weber (King's College London).
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Modified: Thu Feb 13 10:27:57 2014 GMT
Page accessed 5506 times since Thu Feb 13 10:26:32 2014 GMT

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