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Up Directory CCL 14.05.21 CHI's Structure-Based Drug Design Conference
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Thu Feb 20 12:01:49 2014
Subject: 14.05.21 CHI's Structure-Based Drug Design Conference
The event will showcase informative, high-quality case studies, innovative techniques, and strategies 
to move from computation to experiment, and finally, to drug. Top scientists from pharma and biotech 
will address how they are hitting epigenetic targets, provide updates on the newest wave of GPCRs and 
other membrane proteins, and discuss the latest in fragment-based drug design. Attendees will return to 
their organizations with fresh perspectives and new ideas to maximize productivity and increase successes 
in drug discovery. View full details and register at
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Modified: Thu Feb 20 17:01:49 2014 GMT
Page accessed 4803 times since Thu Feb 20 16:58:04 2014 GMT

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