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Up Directory CCL 14.11.07 Workshop - Electron Dynamics on Surfaces and Nanostructures
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Mon Mar 3 11:48:00 2014
Subject: 14.11.07 Workshop - Electron Dynamics on Surfaces and Nanostructures
We are pleased to inform you that it is open the registration to attend at 
the CECAM Workshop "Electron Dynamics on Surfaces and Nanostructures".

It will be held from 5th November to 7th November 2014, in Zaragoza– Spain 
and the organizers are:

-Cristina Diaz (Autonoma University of Madrid, Spain)
-Sergio Diaz-Tendero (Autonoma University of Madrid, Spain)
-Johannes Feist (Autonoma University of Madrid,Spain)
-Francisco J. García Vidal (Autonoma University of Madrid, Spain)
-Fernando Martin (Autonoma University of Madrid,Spain)

To register please go to the following link:

The abstract submission deadline for contributions to be considered as a 
hot topic presentation is July 1st, 2014. The applying authors will be 
notified about the final selection shortly after this deadline. 
The workshop sponsors will cover the accommodations expenses of the selected 
'hot topic' presenters at the hotel arranged by the organizers.
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Modified: Mon Mar 3 16:48:00 2014 GMT
Page accessed 5182 times since Mon Mar 3 15:43:28 2014 GMT

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