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Up Directory CCL 14.06.03 CECAM Tutorial Advances in Biomolecular Modelling and Simulations using CHARMM June 3-6 Dublin
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Sat Apr 5 14:47:52 2014
Subject: 14.06.03 CECAM Tutorial Advances in Biomolecular Modelling and Simulations using CHARMM June 3-6 Dublin
Applications are invited to attend the upcoming CECAM Tutorial 
*"Advances in Biomolecular Modelling and Simulations using CHARMM"* 
to be held at the University College Dublin (UCD), Ireland, during June 3-6, 2014. 

Interested participants should apply directly by using the online form
available in the CECAM Registered User Area:

Note 1: Enrollment is limited to about 50 participants. Please apply as soon
as possible. There is a EUR 200 registration fee, that covers the tutorial
dinner, coffee breaks and other meeting expenses. PhD students and
Postdoctoral Fellows can apply for a fee waiver if they will submit their
CECAM application online before May 1st, 2014!  

Note 2: A limited number of rooms (single ensuite bedroom, free WiFi) in the
UCD campus (UCD Glenomena Residence) is available for accepted participants
at a rate of only EUR 48 per night. Accepted participants can book their
on-campus accommodation directly online. Please note that the number of UCD
on-campus rooms is small and that this housing option may not be available
at all after May 12th, 2014.  
For participants wishing to stay at a convenient nearby hotel, please note
that the Stillorgan Park Hotel ( )
offers a special rate of EUR 89 per night (including breakfast) to UCD
visitors. Additional convenient housing is available at a variety of hotels
in the larger Southern Dublin area, please see: .
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Modified: Sun Apr 6 02:01:52 2014 GMT
Page accessed 5624 times since Sat Apr 5 18:42:05 2014 GMT

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