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Up Directory CCL 15.01.11 Numerical Methods for Quantum Chemistry, Boat trip Tromsoe-Kirkenes-Tromsoe, Norway
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Wed Jul 9 08:37:10 2014
Subject: 15.01.11 Numerical Methods for Quantum Chemistry, Boat trip Tromsoe-Kirkenes-Tromsoe, Norway

Traditional quantum chemical methods are being pushed to the limit of their
capabilities due to the growing focus on high accuracy and large non-periodic
systems. The need for innovative approaches is now manifest.

Real-space numerical methods are a promising alternative: they are
mathematically robust, very accurate and well suited for modern, massively
parallel computing resources. However, they are still not a mainstream
activity in quantum chemistry: their current computational overhead, their
memory footprint and the lack of widely available software with standard
features are among the challenges that need to be overcome.

The goal of NMQC is to gather interdisciplinary scientific expertise to
promote a fruitful exchange of ideas and spur progress in the development of
this field.
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Modified: Wed Jul 9 12:37:10 2014 GMT
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