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Up Directory CCL 14.11.21 Lowdin Mini Symposium, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Wed Oct 8 12:15:49 2014
Subject: 14.11.21 Lowdin Mini Symposium, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden
Dear Colleagues,

The Committee for Quantum Chemical Lowdin Lectures was established in 1982
to administrate a fund generated by international contributions to honor 
Per-Olov Lowdin in association with his retirement at Uppsala University in
1981. The fund was transferred to Uppsala University at the 4th 
International Quantum Chemistry Congress, Uppsala, in June 1982. 
The purpose of the Lowdin Lectures is to stimulate the interest for 
quantum chemistry by inviting prominent scientists to Uppsala to present 
their research.

We are glad to announce that the 2013 and 2014 Lowdin lecturers are 
Prof. So Hirata, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, US, and 
Prof. Leticia Gonzalez, University of Vienna, Austria.

To celebrate this we would like to welcome you to attend the Lowdin Mini 
Symposium on November 21, 2014, held at the Angstrom Laboratory, 
Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden. 

The Mini Symposium will be directed towards contemporary research in 
electron structure theory, quantum nuclear dynamics and laser spectroscopy. 
We hope that the symposium will stimulate interesting discussions and to 
initiate collaborations.

The invited lecturers at the symposium, in addition to the two Lowdin 
lecturers, are:

* Irene Burghardt, Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main, Germany
* Marcus Reiher, ETH, Zurich, Switzerland
* Massimo Olivucci, Siena University, Italy, and Bowling Green State 
  University, Ohio, USA
* Michael Bearpark, Imperial College, London, UK
* Thomas Bondo Pedersen, University of Oslo, Norway
* Leif Hammarstrom, Uppsala University, Sweden
* Villy Sundstrom, Lund University, Sweden

The programme can be found on the website: 
Attendance is free of charge. To register, please send a mail to 
Ms. Ulrika Jansson at ulrika.jansson~! by November 14, the latest. 

Once again, I welcome you to Uppsala in November and look forward to 
see you there.

Roland Lindh, Professor and Chair

Department of Chemistry - Angstrom Laboratory,
The Theoretical Chemistry Programme, Uppsala University,
Box 518, SE-751 20 Uppsala, Sweden
Mail: roland.lindh~!
Phone: +46-18-471 32 63 (office) or +46-70-946 86 34 (mobile)
Fax: +46-18-471 58 30
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Modified: Wed Oct 8 16:15:49 2014 GMT
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